25 Grill Pan Recipes You Can Make Year Round

Source: http://greatist.com/eat/grill-pan-recipes?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

Limiting barbecues to a measly three months a year is a real shame. Who doesn’t want corn on the cob, ribs, and s’mores year round? Here’s a way you can have your burger and eat it too: the genius grill pan. Not only does it make cleanup a breeze, but grilling can also be one of the healthiest ways to prepare meals.

So if you’re craving a cookout and your barbecue pit is buried in snow (or you just live in a tiny apartment), check out these 25 recipes for classic and unconventional dishes that can be made on a grill pan with equally satisfying results.

Meat Entrees

Grilled Pork Tenderloin

Photo: A Pinch of Healthy

1. Grilled Pork Tenderloin

Pork is one of the best sources of easy-to-absorb iron. Dust a lean cut of tenderloin with a few simple herbs and spices, then throw it on the grill pan to give your hemoglobin a boost.

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