A Step-By-Step Guide to Meal Planning and Prep (2/2)

Source: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2016/03/23/a-step-by-step-guide-to-meal-planning-and-prep/

This is an article by NF Team Member Staci. This is part two in a two part series. Missed the first article? Head on over and check out Why You Should Meal Prep.

So, you’re convinced that it’s at least WORTH A TRY to see if this meal prep thing can save you tons of time, money, and help ensure you level up. That’s awesome!

Today we’re going to start with the easiest version of meal prep, which we’ll call “level 1.” Now, make no mistake, just successfully accomplishing this meal prep every week can be an enormous aid in effortlessly leveling up. In fact, it was the exact meal prep that we are going to go over today that helped me lose fat and build strength years ago.

So, let’s get to it: In today’s step by step guide we are going to make five meals: lunch every day. I highly suggest you start off with just one daily pre-prepped meal, and I suggest lunch. Why?

If you work a 9-5, it’s most likely the meal you have the most control over, since you’re away from your family.
Many people are already looking to bring their lunches to work or school with them.
Going out to lunch every day is expensive and the options are often extremely unhealthy.
When you’re stressed at work, it’s so easy to just go to the break room and grab some leftover pizza or cake (or anything else) – but if you have your meal with you, it’s much easier to say no.

When I first started, I just swap…

What do you think?
