Having Cancer While Pregnant Taught Me How to Be Truly Present

Source: http://www.sonima.com/meditation/mindful-living/pregnant-with-cancer/

There’s never a good time to learn that you have cancer, especially when you’re seven months pregnant with your first child. I was 31 years old and had no family history of cancer. I was healthy, happy, and excited to start a new family with my husband, Steve. I was also in the process of launching my own jewelry company, Sally Jane, a longtime dream of mine, which was finally underway after months of planning. The concept for the collection was built around a signature gold or silver bee, worn on a necklace or bracelet, designed to remind people to “just bee” present in the moment. But at that present moment, the beautiful life that I had created had suddenly fallen apart.

It happened about two-and-half years ago in October 2013 when severe abdominal pain led my doctors to discover what they thought might be a cyst or twisted ovary. Because I was seven months pregnant, they initially recommended bed rest. But the pain became so unbearable that I started having contractions, forcing my body into premature labor. Doctors decided we couldn’t wait, the cyst needed to come out immediately. Cancer, at that point, couldn’t be further from our minds.

After about five hours of laparoscopic surgery, I woke up, thankfully, still pregnant, and was met with optimism and reassurance that I should go home and rest up while we wait for lab results from pathology. A week later, while I was writing “thank you” notes to my attent…

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