How to Build an Active, Outdoor Lifestyle With Your Kids


This is a post from Rebel Family Correspondent Dan.

“Who wants to have some fun?!”

Not Fallout fun, not Facebook fun, not even Futurama fun. Just good old fashioned Family Fun, outside and outstanding! (Yes, I’m a dad.)

Today we’re going to look at why we’ve all lost our love for the outdoors, how to rediscover it (and why it’s awesomely beneficial), plus some super rad outdoor activities everyone can do to get moving whilst enjoying yourself.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit, be it Nintendo, Netflix, or of course, Nerd Fitness, I find that I spend a lot of my time in front of a screen. And as a result, so do my kids.

This is a common issue for many families today. Studies have shown that children are spending far too much time in front of some sort of screen, and not enough time undertaking physical activity.

I get it; the things on these screens are pretty seductive – they’ve been designed that way! So let’s fight back; today we’re going give you the tools to put down this device and go out into the world! (Right after you finish reading this article, of course).

All screen, no green


Growing up, my days were spent riding my bike, exploring creeks, or…

What do you think?
