If you spend any time online, you’ll inevitably come across an article (or 15) spelling out steps to reach the near-mythical status of becoming a morning person.
It all sounds so simple: Stop hitting snooze. Set a positive intention for the day. Open the drapes and let the sunlight stream in. Easy enough, right?
For me, not so much. I’m not a morning person and never have been. I could sleep until noon in college. Class at 8 a.m.? No chance. Now I’m fortunate to work in an industry where work doesn’t really begin until 9 or 10 a.m., so I usually wake up around 8 a.m. (save for the rare morning workout).
Still, the idea of becoming an early bird has always intrigued me. As I attempted to fit more into my days—work, a social life, exercise, and some necessary alone time—I realized there was only one way to keep up with all my obligations without losing my mind: wake up earlier. Plus, research shows morning people tend to be happier and more agreeable.1
One month ago I set a goal to wake up at 6:30 a.m. every weekday (I let myself sleep utill 8 a.m. on weekends). I did my research, read countless articles, and sourced advice from early-bird friends. Here are the tips that worked—and the ones that didn’t.
1. Make a schedule.
I know …