What Essential Items Do You Need to Bring to the Gym?

Source: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2016/04/14/what-essential-items-do-you-need-to-bring-to-the-gym/

“It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.” -The Old Man, The Legend of Zelda (NES).

It’s time to go to battle, infiltrating an compound full of muggles and carry out your mission that helps you level up your life and helps further the cause of the Nerd Fitness Rebellion.

You, a Nerd Fitness Rebel, are going to train in an commercial gym.

They’ll expect you to use their rigid weight machines, expensive cardio equipment, and ab torture devices machines; they’ll gleefully take you on a tour of all the AMAZING amenities you clearly need in a gym, and expect you to fall in with the masses.

You nod politely, and then go about the business of actually changing your life in an enjoyable, fun way.

You see, like Link in The Legend of Zelda, you’ve come prepared. You have a compact gym bag that comes with you every day with the right items required to level up your life.

I’m not talking about the latest and greatest pair of spandex or the best lifting gloves (in fact, I’ll tell you why you shouldn’t wear them).

Instead, I’m going to walk you through what you should be bringing with you to the gym.

Note: this advice will revolve around best equipment for people looking to use free weight and bodyweight training in the gym primarily.

Rebel Recruit Bag

<img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-679346" src="//www.nerdfitness.com/wp-content…

What do you think?
