Tag Archives: mediterranean diet

Mediterranean Diet Benefits

Like the European Coast?

One of the most popular diets over the past twelve to fifteen years has been the Mediterranean diet.  This diet has definitely survived the label of “fad,” as it is still around and even growing in popularity, and “gimmick” is not a very accurate term since the Mediterranean diet is a full sized program that does not cheat you of any food group, but simply makes wiser choices in each category of the food pyramid.  Why consider a Mediterranean diet benefits? Getting a precise, specific definition of the Mediterranean diet is a little difficult because the term Mediterranean keeps it from applying to just one country.  The Mediterranean diet still refers to the general traditional diets from the people living in the 1960’s in countries like Greece, and Southern Italy.

Mediterranean Diet Benefits

The reason these nations in particular were being studied was because of the really noticeably low incidence of chronic diseases, not to mention the consistently amazingly high life-expectancy rates among the groups that stayed with this traditional diet.  What is even more amazing when nutritionists realized that the traditional Mediterranean diet receives as much as 40% of all its calories from fat.  Despite this, heart attacks were much rarer in this population than in about any other. Now that is one of the best Mediterranean diet benefits.728x90 A Healthier Life Program

Part of the reason for this is olive oil.  Olive oil is a “mono-saturated fatty acid,” which means that it does not have the same cholesterol-raising effect of saturated fats.  Olive oil is also a good source of antioxidants.  Eating fish a few times per week benefits the Mediterranean people by increasing the amount of “Omega-3 fatty acids,” which is something that no other developed European society got enough of.  The other part of the Mediterranean diet is that they eat far less red meat, but more grains, fruits, legumes, vegetables, and olive oil.  This makes their diet much healthier than any North American or other European diet and is one of the primary Mediterranean diet benefits.

This diet is rich in healthy fats from fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds, and there are an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, too.  This diet is a rich source of essential fatty acids and antioxidants, a combination which can help improve cholesterol levels and protect heart health.  If you decide to pursue this diet, you can expect to eat a lot of yogurt with fruit and nuts, Pasta salad and fruit, fish with roast vegetables, Crackers and hummus, and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.  The result of this is that you will increase your essential fatty acids with plenty of fish and healthy fats, lower your intake of red meat and processed foods, and improve cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart disease.

Not a bad deal, huh?  This is a diet that continues to be popular because it still allows for meat, pasta, taste, but it will lead you to a longer and healthier life.  This is one proven diet that is here to stay. And you should consider the Mediterranean diet benefits.

Interested in some great recipes for the Mediterranean Diet? Check these three out:

5 Healthy Benefits of Following a Mediterranean Diet Plan

Mediterranean diet plan

The Mediterranean diet plan has been around for centuries, but if you don’t live in countries where this diet is prevalent such as Greece or Italy, you may not realize the many benefits of eating healthy foods “Mediterranean” style. According to studies, the Mediterranean diet encourages healthy weight loss and helps to reduce risks of many life-threatening diseases. Below are five of the top benefits of following this diet.

Mediterranean Diet Plan

1. Fast Weight Loss

One of the key benefits of the Mediterranean diet plan is fast weight loss. This is not from the results of a diet pill or a crash starvation diet, but from healthy, portion-controlled eating. Weight loss rates will vary, but some have reported losing an average of 10 pounds per month. Delicious diet recipes are often provided when following the Mediterranean diet that help to speed up the weight loss process without depriving you of much needed vitamins and nutrients. Losing weight alone can offer many health benefits.

2. Good Heart Health

The delicious diet recipes provided while following a Mediterranean diet plan are all designed to promote good heart health. The Mediterranean diet consists of healthy doses of olive oil, fruits and vegetables, and oily fish. With some participants, a moderate amount of wine is consumed with meals. All these help to lower cholesterol and keep the blood flow to the heart at a normal level, thus, reducing the risk of heart disease tremendously.

3. Lower Cancer Risks

Having too many toxins in the body can cause some types of cancer, such as breast cancer. Eating the types of healthy foods promoted in the Mediterranean diet such as fruits and vegetables will lower the amount of toxins in the body because these foods are natural antioxidants.

4. Prevent Gallstones

Those who have fallen victim to gall stones realize how painful they can be. With around 639,000 people being hospitalized per year with gallstones, many studies are being conducted to help find a cause and cure. The Mediterranean diet plan is rich in nuts, vegetable oil, and fish. Though gallstones are not always diet-related, consuming these foods can help to reduce the risk of gall stones or eliminate them altogether for some according to recent studies.

5. Lower Blood Pressure

The healthy foods in a Mediterranean diet plan can also work to lower and regulate blood pressure. Blood cholesterol levels can return to normal when eating less fatty foods and salt, and more healthy vitamins and minerals. Cooking procedures on a Mediterranean diet usually involve roasting or grilling rather than frying, so more nutrients are retained in the food during preparation, and there is much less fat consumption.

These are only a few of the benefits. The Mediterranean diet also offers many other benefits such as reducing the risks of blood clotting, diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and other life-threatening diseases. Don’t deprive yourself. Start eating delicious diet recipes on the Mediterranean diet for healthy weight loss today.

For creating a more balanced diet to improve your life, check out this plan: http://bit.ly/1DbURHr