“True happiness is born of letting go of what is unnecessary.” ~Sharon Salzberg
You are exhausted. Every force in the universe seems to be conspiring against you.
You pick yourself up just to be knocked down again by more bad news.
It’s not fair!
You want to crawl in bed and wait for the week to be over.
But you know you can’t hide.
Sometimes our lives get tough. It happens to all of us. You know things will eventually get better, but it’s hard to get through a ruthless week in one piece.
When you are having a horrible week, do you succumb to pressure, or have you learned how to keep your spirits up?
Back when I was in college, we used to have horrible jam-packed finals weeks. We’d usually start Monday and finish on Saturday. We’d have five final exams during that week.
It was rough.
Like most of us, I’d study ahead but usually had to cram a lot during that week. They were nightmare weeks with sleepless nights. I thought crazy times would end with college.
But I was wrong.
Years later I took a job as a project manager. It was a lot of fun in the beginning, until it became intense. My team and I had an ever-growing amount of projects with insane standards we were handling.
Soon, I was working sixty to…