For the Love of Food
Welcome to Friday’s For The Love of Food, Summer Tomato’s weekly link roundup.
This week nutrition facts are BS, 1 minute to better health, and how fructose alters brain genes.
Too busy to read them all? Try this awesome free speed reading app I just discovered to read at 300+ wpm. So neat!
If you follow me on Delicious you’ve probably noticed the site has been down all week. I have no idea what’s going on, but hopefully they’ll have it resolved soon. I also share links on Twitter @summertomato and the Summer Tomato Facebook page. I’m very active on all these sites and would love to connect with you.
Links of the week
The cereal box is lying to you — and so is every other label: Why you can’t trust that “nutrition” information <<If this doesn’t make you want to give up on nutritionism, stop looking at labels and embrace a diverse diet of Real Food instead, I don’t know what will. (Salon)
1 Minute of All-Out Exercise May Have Benefits of 45 Minutes of Moderate Exertion <<No more complaining that you don’t have time to workout. Seriously though this is one of the better studies on HIIT th…