Hey friends – happy International No Diet Day! Yes, there really is a day for everything, but this one is especially important to me given the work that I do in my AnneTheRD private practice. It was also aptly timed as my Joyful Eating Program collaborators, fellow intuitive eating dietitians Rachael and Alex, were in town yesterday and today so we could record some audio files and put the finishing touches on our program in person! We got a ton done – and also had fun seeing each other in real life vs. on a computer screen.
In honor of today, here are some of my intuitive eating and non-diet related blog posts I’ve written over the years:
How to Eat Intuitively | A Guide to Mindful Eating
Because Being Healthy Means Not ALWAYS Being Healthy
How to Have a Stress Free Holiday Eating Experience (<- also applicable for parties all year round)
Why You Should Throw Away Your Scale
7 Common Nutrition Myths (that you shouldn’t be fooled by!)
How to Get…