Someone with a personal training certification is a dime a dozen. A good trainer who is both good at training and sales, on the other hand, is rarer. These are the trainers who are never short on clients and fill every available time slot for the month.
If you’re a gym manager who wants to hire awesome personal trainers, you need to know what they do, how to seek them out for your gym, and ask the right questions during the interview and hiring process. Even if you’re not a hiring manager, it’s helpful for you to read through this and see how you could turn yourself into an ace candidate.
Without further ado, let’s break it down.
The qualities to find the right candidates
Most personal trainers who’ve been in the game for a while will know their stuff. The issue isn’t necessarily testing their knowledge per se, although knowledge is important. Instead, you need to check their social intelligence. At their core, these trainers are likely good at three things:
Engaging in small talk
Showing genuine interest in their clients
Having clear expectations and showing confidence.
These are the kinds of behaviors we’re looking for. Translated to traits and qualities, we would like to look for the following:
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