Feel free to play along in the comments – what are you loving lately? Anything I should check out on the food/fitness/whatever front?
1) Girls’ night dinners.
My college friends Kathleen, Sarah, and I have been hosting fun dinners for each other every month or so, alternating who hosts. (When I had them over awhile ago, I made Thai Coconut Chicken Soup which was a big hit!) Last night, Kathleen hosted us at her place and made an amazing quinoa tabbouleh (packed with mint, parsley, and bright lemon zest and juice – delicious) with lamb kabobs. Amazing! Thanks for having us, Kathleen! So fun to catch up with you both.
2) Hummus.
Today is National Hummus Day! A most delicious holiday, if you ask me. <img src="" alt=":)" class="wp…