By Leo Babauta
Yesterday wasn’t a great day for me.
I woke up late after too little sleep. Someone I love is mad at me, and doesn’t seem to want to talk to me, which put me in a down mood. I couldn’t get focused to do any writing, so I answered emails, read stuff online, took a nap. My kids weren’t around to cuddle with me.
I did a workout, but couldn’t finish it because my wrist hurt. I rode my bike to the grocery store on a warm summer evening, which was nice. I cooked a healthy dinner for myself. Had a strong beer.
Then I made the mistake of reading some comments on a blog post that was critical of me. The blog post was mildly critical, but the comments piled on top of each other, talking about how hypocritical I am, how repetitious my writing has become … with each negative comment, I could feel my heart drop lower and lower.
It wasn’t a great day, and my mood descended as I thought about how badly so many people thought of me …
Some days, you don’t have anything. Some days, you don’t knock it out of the park.
On a day like this, I sat still. It was all I could do.
I looked inward, and faced the hurt.
I stayed with it, just giving it my attention.
I noticed the story I was telling myself, that was causing the pain. It wasn’t a good story. The more I got stuck telling myself this story, the more I was stuck in the pain.
So I turned to t…