Many in today’s population are suffering from a lack of sleep. The majority of people report difficulty falling or staying asleep on a regular basis. Sleep is an important part of a healthy life. Our body uses our sleeping hours to repair damage, rebalance hormone levels and engage in physical healing and maintenance. Sleep deprivation has been implicated in heart disease, increased stress levels, diabetes, increased accidents, depression, lowered sex drive and diabetes. A good 8-10 hours of sleep is important for vital health.
External Steps to Improve Sleep:
Make sure your room is dark. Invest in blackout shades or an eye mask to increase the darkness in your sleeping space. Move cell phones and other light emitting items out of the bedroom.
Stick to a schedule. Try to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time every day. Our bodies respond best to a regular routine. Following a similar routine every day signals to our bodies that bed time is approaching.
Use the bed for sleep and/or intimacy only. Don’t bring computers or work into the bedroom. Maintain the sanctity of the bedroom as a place of rest.
Invest in ear plugs if noise is a problem. White noise machines can also be helpful to block out unwanted sound.
Engage in relaxation, meditation or breathing exercises: The Legs up the Wall yoga pose done for 5 minutes right before bed can improve sleep. To calm a racing mind, engage in 4:6:8 breathing. Breath in f…