Are you a big fan of emojis? Then perhaps you’ve come up with some—shall we say “alternative”—uses for the peach and eggplant? A recently released survey by found that people who used emojis more often also had more active sex lives.
The survey also found that we have some go-to smileys when we’re looking to get it on. The wink, blushing, and kissy faces were most popular.
On the flip side, there are emojis we tend to avoid when flirting. The least popular are the “information desk person,” lips, and see-no-evil monkey (but we love that one!).
These special characters are helping us outide the bedroom too. According to the survey, emoji users are twice as likely to tie the knot than their non-using counterparts.
The survey looked at other aspects of dating in our hyper-connected world, including the biggest social media turnoffs. Topping the list:…