10 Reasons Why Fitness Instructors Can be Successful in Building a Shaklee Business

Shaklee provides an opportunity for many different people to build a successful business to achieve financial independence. But fitness instructors come to the program with several advantages compared with other professionals and experienced business leaders.

What are these advantages for fitness trainers?

1. They are typically already entrepreneurs.

Most fitness instructors are already entrepreneurs – even the ones working at large gyms. They are successful if they develop a large group of repeat clients and it is up to them to encourage people to continue with the program.  There are also many fitness professionals who work on their own without the structure of an established gym.  These people are true entrepreneurs if they are successful in developing their own business.

2. They work with people who want to improve their lives.

Clients at a gym are interested in developing a better, healthier lifestyle. They may be interested in losing weight or gaining muscle mass and these are some of the best quality products Shaklee offers. The Cinch Inch program is designed to help people lose weight and not sacrifice lean muscle mass. These gym-goers are also good customers for vitamin and nutritional supplements to maintain their health and immune system. Vivix Anti-Aging Formula is one of the company’s top sellers

3. Their clients are usually health conscience

Gym customers are generally healthy and want to stay that way. The healthy Shaklee products are the type of merchandise that anyone can feel good about promoting and fitness instructors will see that importance. Shaklee’s product line includes healthy vitamin supplements, weight management, green living at home, and healthy beauty products.

4. They are familiar with the types of products Shaklee offers

Talk to a fitness counselor and they will already know the language and terminology of the healthy products offered. They know how a person can lose weight. And how a person can increase their muscle mass.  If the instructor knows his business and is successful he or she will come to the program with more knowledge than almost any Independent Distributor so it won’t take long to become familiar with the program.

5. They are smart, educated, energetic, and optimistic.

The younger – and older – generation of fitness instructors is highly educated. The stereotype of the dumb jock doesn’t describe them. They are smart and want to use their training and skills to build a successful career. These entrepreneurs in particular will see that the Shaklee program can provide an opportunity to be rewarded for their hard work.

Any selling program involves a certain level of rejection. Optimistic instructors energy and natural optimism gives them a resilience others may not have. They can look at the bigger picture over the long run and see that a few “no’s” today can be offset by the potential rewards from the “yes’s”.

6. They have a level of authority on health related issues and products

When a client starts working with a professional instructor they look up to them as being experts in how to live a healthy life. This authority can be useful when presenting the Shaklee product line.  And because the nutritional supplements and other products offered are of the highest quality, they know that they won’t be steering their clients wrong.

7. They appreciate the low cost of investment

Even successful trainers at the gym can be looking for programs to join that don’t take a large investment. Shaklee is a perfect fit with an initial investment of only $349 needed to get them into the program.

8. Can Work Part-Time and Still Be Successful

Many fitness trainers don’t have the time to get started in a full time business. Most are already working with clients. With Shaklee they can take advantage of being able to work at their own pace and still be successful. And as with any new entrepreneurial project, the reward will be directly related to the time and effort invested.

9. Looking for Alternative Employment in the Current Economy

No one has to tell any member of the work force how tough it can be to keep a job in the current economy. But by creating a job by starting a Shaklee business it will be possible to eliminate that problem. Shaklee has exceeded its sales goals in each of the past 6 recessions and has proven that it doesn’t take a strong economy to be successful.

10. They are good networkers

Trainers know other trainers. So they already have the opportunity to develop other potential distributors.  Once they become successful and their co-workers see the benefits, it will be easy to pass along the opportunity.

How Does a Fitness Entrepreneur Get Started?

1. Learn more. Check us out. Look over our website. Check out the products and learn more about the Shaklee Difference. Here are our online resources:

Shaklee Web Site
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See our YouTube Channel

2. Ask Questions. Use the CONTACT ME link at the top of each page of our web site to ask any question. We want to hear from you.

3. Join Shaklee. Start today by joining our Shaklee Team by registering as a Gold Ambassador. For only $349 you will receive over $500 in products and will be on your way!

4. Click here to join today.

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