Category Archives: Weight Management

The ‘Two Exercise’ Secret for Shedding Fat

Here is a simple fat burning tip you can use right now as a secret for shedding fat. This works especially well for most people because it’s a radical departure from what you’ve been doing.

One of the many problems with traditional low intensity long duration cardio is that of
diminishing returns. As your body becomes more efficient, you will begin to burn fewer calories for the same workout and your results will eventually come to a grinding halt. Many people either get frustrated and quit, or they go in the wrong direction by thinking they need to make their workouts longer.

Making a long workout even longer is NOT the way to get results! Putting more work into the same amount of workout time or the same amount of work into less time is a much more effective approach. Not to mention, who has hours and hours a day to train? Lottery winners, maybe! That’s about it! And not a good secret for shedding fat.

Secret for shedding fat

You should do these two particular exercises – squats and deadlifts.

Both of these exercises are two of the best fat burning and muscle building exercises around. They work a lot of muscle at one time, they get your entire body moving, they have a cardio benefit when done for higher reps, and they can boost your metabolism for some serious calorie burning AFTER the workout!

And if you do them the right way, you also get a surge in the powerful fat burning hormone, growth hormone, which melts away body fat like butter! Oh yeah!

For your next back workout, give this a try. Do ONLY the deadlift.

Do the deadlift for ONE set.

Here’s the best part of this secret for shedding fat. Don’t go down to the floor on your deadlifts. Just lower the bar a few inches below your kneecaps. In fact, you could start the bar off the ground in a power rack if you want.

Now, do 40 reps. Yes, seriously. You won’t believe what this feels like compared to your normal back workout. And if you don’t know exactly what muscles the deadlifts hit, you will after this.

You’ll feel it in your shoulders, traps, upper back, lower back, hamstrings, arms, butt (here that, ladies?), you name it.

And if you don’t think you can get cardio benefits from weight training, you’ll change your mind.

Try doing ONLY this for your back workout for 4 to 8 weeks and see what happens.

Oh, and if you feel like you have to rest, do so at the top of a rep, don’t put the bar down.

This is really TOUGH. And it works for getting lean. It’s for you, too, ladies! Don’t shy away from intense workouts because you’re afraid of getting bulky. It’s not going to happen.

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myths about fat loss

5 Myths About Fat Loss You Need to Ignore

There are many myths about fat loss out there. Recognizing what they are can go a long way toward helping you reach your own fat loss goals. Here are 5 myths about losing fat you need to ignore.

Myths About Fat Loss

1. Diets Don’t Work

Sure they do!

Practically all diets work, at least in the short term. And diets should only be for the short term.

You can take off the excess weight pretty quickly with an effective diet.

But you KEEP the weight off with a LIFESTYLE change!

People go on a diet, lose weight, and go back to what they were doing before, which is how they added all that extra fat in the first place.

Then they blame the diet for not working. It’s not the diet, it’s the lifestyle!

2. Going Extremely Low-Calorie is Bad

Going very low calorie, and even outright fasting, can be an extremely effective way to lose weight quickly, as you get a bigger calorie deficit and force the body to burn fat for energy.

But it has to be done the right way. You can’t go extremely low-calorie for a long stretch at a time, maybe just a few days here and there to kickstart the metabolism.

3. I Just Want To Tone Up

I’ve always hated this one. There is no such thing as getting toned. You can build muscle and you can burn fat. That’s it.

What most people call toning up is burning away fat while preserving lean muscle. You don’t want to lose muscle along with the fat or you’ll just be a smaller version of your fat self, or what we call skinny fat.

4. Light-Weight High-Rep Training Is The Best Way To Burn Fat

It can be effective, if done correctly. But if you don’t work hard, you won’t see results.

The BEST training style for fat-loss is a mix of heavier training, to preserve mass and strength, and lighter, high-rep training that focuses on Lactic Acid accumulation.

When Lactic Acid accumulates in the body, this changes the acidity (the pH) in the bloodstream. Your body reacts to this by secreting Growth Hormone, which is a potent fat-burning and muscle-preserving hormone.

5. You Can Never Eat Your Favorite Foods Again

Just not true. A big myths about fat loss. Of course you can. Can you eat whatever you want, whenever you want. No, but that doesn’t mean you can never have ice cream, or pizza, or potato chips again.

Keep these five fat loss myths in mind and you can get better results from your training and nutrition programs.

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burning more calories

5 Tips for Burning More Calories Starting Today

Burning more calories when trying to lose fat and build some muscle so you can reshape your body, it helps to find simple tricks to eliminate or burn more calories, whether it’s through your workout program, or through your nutrition plan.

Burning more calories

Here are five simple nutrition tips that will help put your body in fat burning mode. This will help you get even more out of your workout plan, helping you make even faster progress.

1) Eat more vegetables. Simple sure, but how many people really do it? Try mixing and matching fresh vegetables for variety. Besides the numerous health benefits, most veggies are full of fiber, which will fill you up, as well as burning more calories than eating other foods.

Yes, frozen vegetables are just fine. In fact, frozen fruits and vegetables have shown to be more likely to hold their nutrient value versus fresh because of things like the time they sit after being picked before you have them at home and eat them.

2) Go ahead and snack, just snack on good stuff, like raisins, nuts (especially almonds), veggies and most fruit. Not dried fruit, though. Have you ever looked at the calorie count and ingredients of most mixed nut and fruit “trail mix” products? It’s not pretty!

3) Speaking of nuts, add nuts to your yogurt and salads. Chopped nuts make a great alternative to “breaded” style garnishes like croutons.

4) Specific food combinations can help to burn calories by ramping up your metabolism for burning more calories. Eat carbs that are rich in fiber. They take longer to digest and you will feel “fuller” for longer periods of time.

Along with carbs rich in fiber, take in more protein. Your body burns more calories when you eat protein than it burns digesting either fats or carbohydrates.

Eating more protein to burn fat was confirmed in a study published in the American Journal of Physiology.

One group was fed a high protein diet (just over one gram per pound of body weight per day) while the second group consumed a protein diet near equal to that of the RDA.

The group eating the high protein diet burned more fat than the group consuming protein near equal to the RDA.

Want to burn fat or build muscle? Get lots of fiber and protein.

Eating protein also helps to prevent muscle loss while dieting, which can help prevent the slowing of your metabolism.

5) Yogurt can help you lose weight while protecting muscle.

A study of overweight people who ate three servings of yogurt daily for 12 weeks lost 22% more weight, 61% more body fat and 81% more abdominal fat than people who ate a similar number of calories but no dairy products.

Make sure to get yogurt with real fruit and no added sugar. Or, get plain yogurt and add your own berries to it.

Yogurt is also an easy and convenient snack and contains high quality protein as well.

Put these five tips into practice and your new muscle building, fat burning machine (your body) will reward you for it.

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Weight Loss Motivation

If there is one thing that all dietitians and obesity experts agree on, it is that personal motivation is the foundation of all weight loss success. No matter how healthy the diet-plan, or what combination of calories and nutrition it contains, it won’t help anyone lose weight unless they follow it for long enough. Their willingness to do so depends entirely on how motivated they are to change their eating and exercise habits in order to achieve their weight loss goals.

Motivation Advice Hard To Find

The Internet offers a bewildering array of diets and weight loss eating plans, but advice on motivation when dieting is in extremely short supply. Given the strong link between diet-compliance and motivation, this lack of motivational help is surprising to say the least. It may stem from the fact that many diets are created by people who lack hands-on experience of helping people to manage their weight. Perhaps they see weight loss as a biological rather than a human process. If so, I think it’s a mistake.

Motivating Yourself To Lose Weight

I tell all my clients that starting a weight loss diet is like starting a journey. And like any journey it requires preparation. We need to look ahead and plan how to overcome problems that occur along the way. By doing this we take control of the process and greatly increase our chances of success.

Unfortunately, many dieters don’t plan ahead. Instead, they take things as they come, and rely upon two things: their initial enthusiasm, and (when this wears off) their willpower. But enthusiasm and willpower aren’t enough to overcome the temptations and difficulties which we face when we try to change our eating habits and lifestyle.

Stop for a moment and imagine taking your family on a camping trip. Do you rely on your enthusiasm and willpower for food and shelter? Of course not. In all probability you spend hours beforehand carefully packing and preparing for every eventuality, and the whole trip is carefully planned out in advance.

Yet when you start a diet-journey, many of you set off without any kind of planning or preparation. It’s as if you are convinced that everything will go smoothly. But let’s face it, what diet ever runs smoothly? Answer: none! So what happens when we encounter a big problem? Answer: we wobble, and often quit.

We Need To Plan New Thinking Habits

Planning a diet-journey doesn’t involve packing equipment, it involves packing “new thoughts”. We need to rehearse and adopt new ways of thinking in order to overcome problems during our journey. This isn’t psycho-babble – this is plain common sense. After all, successful dieting is largely a matter of motivation and attitude. It’s about what goes on between our ears!

The Most Common Dieting Problem

The most common problem we face when dieting is boredom. This typically occurs when our initial enthusiasm for losing weight wears off, and we become tired of watching what we eat. We become dispirited, and slightly depressed at the idea of having to maintain our “sensible eating habits” while everyone else seems to be having a good time.

Losing Direction Leads To Boredom

We get bored when we lose our sense of direction. So to overcome it, we need to reestablish exactly where we are going. Remember, dieting is not an aimless process, it’s a journey from A to B. Here’s how we think when we lose direction:

“I’m really bored with dieting, it’s such a pain. I don’t have any freedom any more. I can’t eat this, I can’t eat that… I’m fed up. I can’t share food with the girls at work, I can’t eat at my favorite restaurants, I have to keep saying No to food when I visit friends, I have to watch my family eating in front of me, I don’t have time to exercise properly, I’m never going to lose weight and I’m feeling really miserable. Heck! Life is too short for this…”

This kind of thinking is totally demotivating. It focuses exclusively on the negative aspects of dieting and signals complete aimlessness. No weight loss goal is achievable when we think like this.

Weight Loss Motivation

A Better Way of Thinking

Now let me show you some better alternatives. Please compare them with the above example.

Example 1

“Hmm, my diet isn’t going so good. But I’m not going to make excuses. I’ve wasted enough time making excuses to myself. From now on, no matter what happens, I’m going to be honest with myself. So what do I want? I want to lose weight and get myself into shape. Why? Because I really want that beach holiday (or other very selfish goal) which I promised myself. I want it so bad I can touch it! Okay, so I need to learn how to eat properly – big deal! I can easily do this if I put my mind to it. Heck! Eating good food isn’t difficult. What’s difficult is seeing myself being overweight for the rest of my life. I want something better. Something a lot better than a fistful of nachos or a dollop of fatty dessert.”

Example 2

“Hmm, my diet isn’t going so good. So let me remind myself why I’m dieting. All my life I’ve been eating to please other people. My mom said “eat this”, so I ate it. My school friends said “have some of this”, so I had lots. My work colleagues now say “have a slice of this”, so I have two! And my kids say “you must try this”, so I try it. And every time I make an effort to lose weight, everyone says “forget about your diet, eat some of this” so I do. Well that’s enough! No more eating to please other people. Today I’m going to start eating to please me. And what pleases me is the idea of wearing a size (?) dress to my daughter’s wedding (or other very selfish goal). I realise I need to eat properly, but this is a ridiculously tiny price to pay for achieving my goal. Heck! Eating good food isn’t difficult. What’s difficult is carrying my excess weight around all day. I want something better. Something a lot better than a 4-cheese pizza or a box of cookies.”

Example 3

“Hmm, my diet isn’t going as smoothly as I thought it would. Never mind, I’m sure this is quite normal. I can’t expect to change my regular eating habits without a few hiccups along the way. Besides, I’m looking for more than the few minutes of pleasure I get from filling my stomach with junk. I want a lifetime of pleasure – real pleasure from looking good and being taken seriously and who knows, maybe finding a great partner. I know other people see me as a fat person – goodness, at times I do too! – but this is exactly WHY I want to change. I’m tired of being fat. Real tired. And if this means learning how to eat good food, then let’s do it! And when it gets tough I’m going to login to Anne Collins forum and get help. All I know is, I want to make it happen!”

Example 4

“Hmm, my diet isn’t going as smoothly as I thought it would. This morning I watched my colleagues eat a whole birthday cake – it looked delicious – and I sat there feeling miserable and deprived. Then I went for lunch with a friend and chose a tuna salad while she ate half a pizza followed by two slices of cheesecake. It was torture! But then I started thinking to myself “what’s more important – a few slices of cheesecake, or a really lean shape?” And I decided that looking good was what I really wanted. I know that it’s not going to happen overnight, but if I can persevere and learn good eating habits along the way, I know I’m gonna make it…”

Example 5

“Hmm, my diet isn’t going as smoothly as I thought it would. But at least it’s not a race. So who cares if I have a few wobbly moments, as long as I get where I want to go. At 26 I’m in the prime of my life, and I want to make the most of it. I’m tired of my slim friends getting all the best guys. I want to turn a few heads myself. I want the attention and I want to be taken seriously, and if I have to spend 12 months dieting – heck! I’m gonna do it. Last week I saw a friend of mine in hospital who lost a leg in a car crash. The doctors say it’s going to take her 12 months to relearn how to walk. Now that is tough. By comparison, my journey is easy. And as long as I keep reminding myself of this, I’ll be fine.”

Points To Remember

1. A diet is a journey from A to B.

2. Feeling bored is a sign we are losing our direction.

3. When we lose direction we need to regain it, fast!

4. The way to regain direction is to remind yourself why you are dieting.

5. You are dieting because you want something better than a plate of fattening food.

Getting Help To Lose Weight

Changing our eating habits is much easier when we get support from other people. So make sure your online weight management plan includes membership of a forum. Because only people can offer you the sort of encouragement you need to achieve your personal weight loss goals.

How To Avoid Common Diet Scams

As our country gains weight at an alarming rate, we are spending more each year on products that promise us easy, effortless weight loss. Each year in the United States, an estimated 35 billion dollars is spent each year on weight loss products. The problem is that in spite of headlines that feed our hopes that a new, secret, “better” weight loss formula has been discovered, the truth is there are no easy solutions to losing weight.

How To Avoid Common Diet Scams

Simply put, weight loss is a combination of lifestyle choices, and is the result of a firm commitment to making and maintaining them over a period of time. Any products that offer weight loss without reduced caloric intake and increasing activity levels are fraudulent- and a waste of money.

Why Do People Buy Products That Are Scams?

Denise Bruner, MD, MPH, FASBP is a specialist in weight loss, and a fellow in the American Society of Bariatric Physicians. She shares one of the major reasons that weight loss scams flourish today: “We live in a society today that wants immediate gratification. This is reflected in our willingness to buy from those that promise ‘instant results’”.

The increasing obesity in our society, and hopes that weight loss can be achieved without lifestyle changes fuels the growth of frauds. Bruner states, “In the U.S., currently 61% of the population is overweight, and the numbers are going up. There’s a huge market out there for weight loss products. After all, it appeals to us to find out that you can ‘Lose 30 pounds in 30 days.’ We don’t want to have to deprive ourselves of our favorite foods, and want something that will ‘magically’ absorb the calories.”

Jeannette Kopko, Senior Vice President of the Better Business BureaHow To Avoid Common Diet Scamsu for Dallas and Northeast Texas, agrees that illegitimate weight loss products feed on false promises: “People are fooled by these scams because they hope that they aren’t scams. They hope that they’re real, and are an easier, faster, painless way to lose weight.”

With the huge demand for weight loss products (and their revenues), companies are more than willing to become suppliers-whether or not their products work. Kopko states, “The number of companies hawking bogus supplements and weight loss products is increasing rapidly in recent years.”

How can you spot a weight loss scam?

Typically, weight loss scams make promises that aren’t realistic. Headlines that promise weight loss without dieting are always scams, since calorie reduction is the basis of any true weight loss program. There are no legitimate weight loss programs that allow you to “eat whatever you want” without limit. As Monica Revelle, public relations specialist at the FDA notes: “If it sounds too good to be true-it is!”

Other tips offs that the weight loss product is a scam include:

* Claims to be a “secret” formula: Products that claim to have secret formulas are scams. Dr. Bruner feels strongly on this issue, and states, “There are no ‘secrets to weight loss’ being held away from the public. In America alone, an estimated 100 people a day die from obesity; we could prevent 300,000 deaths annually if there was a real product that made weight loss simple and safe, and physicians would be the first to prescribe them.”

* There’s no physical address for the business. Legitimate products and services will have a physical address and phone number. Be wary of those that only offer a mailbox, or a toll-free number to call manned by “help center” personnel. Kopko shares, “While not all companies that have P.O. or private mail boxes (PMBs) are illegitimate, plenty are. Check to see if there are the letters ‘PMB’ after a physical address; this indicates that it’s really a private mail box, that can forward mail to anywhere in the world.” She adds that the Internet is also being used to promote frauds, and adds, “You can’t judge how good or legitimate a product is by how professional the web site looks. This only reflects how good their web designer was.”

* They promise rapid weight loss. Weight loss that is too rapid is not only unhealthy, but is normally quickly regained. The best plans advocate moderate goals, with slow, steady weight loss of about 6-8 pounds a month over a long period. Dr. Bruner states, “Any product that offer overnight or rapid changes is a fraud.”

* They state that they can help a person lose fat or cellulite in a specific part of the body. Body fat is lost overall, not in a spot, and ads that claim otherwise are frauds.

* They promise permanent weight loss. No product can do this, since permanent weight loss is maintained by lifestyle changes.

By avoiding products with the above “red flags” in their advertising, you can protect yourself from illegitimate products-and save money.

Types of Weight Loss Scams

Weight loss scams can range from the highly illegal (and even dangerous) to the mildly unethical. Kopko states, “There are degrees of fraud and misleading consumers. Some are scams where the person doesn’t receive anything at all when they send in their money. Another form of scam is when the customer sends in money, and they get a product that has no benefit, such as a sugar pill.”

Other weight loss scams use questionable practices, such as making claims for an ingredient-but without scientific studies to back them up. Kopko adds, “In yet other scams, the product has very low levels of active ingredients, so the person doesn’t get the desired result.”

Some products sell because their names are similar to real products-even though they don’t contain the same ingredients or quality. Dr. Bruner warns that these knockoffs are frauds: “The person thinks, ‘Oh, I can get this a lot cheaper here…’ but be careful, and check it out thoroughly first.”

Kopko has seen all types of weight loss scams during her years with the Better Business Bureau. She remembers, “Years ago, in our area, there was a business that sold ‘weight loss glasses’; one lens was blue, the other brown. Supposedly, the two colors ‘confused the brain’ and the person didn’t get hungry.” She adds, “Another fraud was weight loss “bath powder’ that a person pours into the tub, that promised weight loss.”

Today, popular scams are pills, powders, patches, and herbal teas that supposedly promote weight loss.

One recent scam was a powder taken a few hours before sleep. Kopko states, “It promised that the fat would “melt away” while you slept. The only benefit was that the person gave up their bedtime snack when they took it; there was nothing in the powder to help. And the person who bought the powder was then deluged with other products from the company that would ‘make the product work better.’ It was all a huge fraud.”

Dr. Bruner has also seen a variety of weight loss scams over the years. She states, “I’ve seen people wearing inserts in their shoes; the manufacturers claim that they hit pressure points to relieve hunger (it doesn’t work). Another scam is a ‘“chocolate patch’ designed to reduce cravings for chocolate, or wearing special clothing to spot reduce areas.” She notes that in Europe, another popular weight loss fad is getting attention: “In Europe, right now mesotherapy, injecting a drug into the muscle, is a very popular fraud.”

FTC’s sokesperson Shirley Rooker notes that the FTC recently stopped another popular weight loss scam-and the company was forced to pay back millions to consumers taken in by its fraudulent ads. She notes, “The Enforma System claimed that its products increase the body’s capacity to burn fat and would help the body burn more calories while just standing or sitting around doing nothing, even while sleeping. And the TV ads stated that consumers could enjoy fried chicken, pizza, and other high-calorie, high-fat products and still lose weight. The FTC complaint charged that there was no proof that Fat Trapper and Exercise in a Bottle really worked.”1

Why Aren’t They Stopped?

With the huge numbers of weight loss frauds out there (it only takes opening up a magazine, or surfing the Internet to view some), the question of why they are allowed to continue is raised.

Kopko says, “I get a lot of calls from people who ask, ‘Why isn’t something being done?’ about a scam. Basically, the answer is: until we receive complaints, a fraud can’t be investigated.” She adds that many times, people who are scammed don’t file reports. “They don’t want the bother, or they don’t know where to turn. The complaints we get are probably only a fraction of the problem that’s out there.”

She warns that not being shut down is not a guarantee of reliability. “Just because a business is out there, selling weight loss products doesn’t mean they’re legitimate; it may just be that they haven’t been caught yet. This is why it’s so important to be an aware consumer. “

Once complaints are made, law enforcement will step in and start investigating weight loss frauds. They often prosecute illegal businesses, and force them to make restitution to their victims. But Kopko shares that not every questionable weight loss product can be dealt with in this manner: “Some scams might not be illegal-just unethical. They market their products in a way that implies benefits, instead of stating them outright, and skirt the legal boundaries of false advertising.”

In some cases, stopping a fraud takes time because of the decision over who has jurisdiction, and the time needed to gather the data to begin prosecuting a company. For instance, the FDA’s Moica Revelle states that they only have jurisdiction over scams in which a product is proven to be unsafe. “We monitor the quality and safety of weight loss products; but we don’t have jurisdiction if there’s no evidence of harm done.”

In many cases of false advertising, the FTC steps in, and uses information gathered by other agencies to make their case against a company. Kopko states that the Better Business Bureau, while not having jurisdiction itself, make their task easier. “We keep information about businesses on file, including complaints against them, and share this with law enforcement and government agencies.”

How To Protect Yourself From Scams

One of the best methods of protecting yourself from weight loss scams is to seek medical advice from a qualified physician who specializes in weight loss (bariatric medicine). At times, this means first coming to terms with a realistic view of weight loss. Dr. Bruner states, “Losing weight isn’t simple or easy.

Basically, it means reducing calories and exercising, but it must be individualized to the person’s needs. For instance, the person with insulin resistance needs a higher protein, lower carbohydrate diet so they won’t feel that they’re starving; and those with allergies (such as to wheat or yeast) will need a diet that avoids these items.”

To protect yourself from scams, check the product out first with your physician. And if possible, try to avoid “impulse buying”. First investigate the product and the company’s reliability with consumer organizations. This can save you needless expense and disappointment in the long run.

Another method of avoiding scams is to visit sites that investigate consumer frauds-and check out a company before buying. Kopko states, “The Better Business Bureau is a participant with the Sentinel Database (online at ) which allows consumers and law enforcement to view trends and complaints against businesses. You can also go online to our national web site at to check out a company nationally. Just click on the “consumer info” link, and look up diet fads and scams that have been reported.”

Weight loss scams are on the rise, and the numbers of companies using fraudulent advertising are multiplying. By taking the time to carefully investigate a company and its products, and choosing to work with a qualified physician on your weight loss goals, you can save yourself needless expense and disappointment. Best of all, you can get started on the road to real, achievable weight loss goals while maintaining good health.

Tips On Losing Weight

One of the best tips on losing weight: Don’t weigh yourself every day.

Tips on losing weight

Congratulations if you have decided to lose weight. I can tell you from experience that it can be one of the most important decisions you can make. For your own health. And for others in your life.

Now for tips on losing weight. The very first thing you should do is go to the scales. Grin and bear it. Find out the damage. And see the starting point. Not too hard, right?

Then slowly put the scales away. They are not your friend. You won’t be seeing them for a while.

One of the least productive activities can be to weigh yourself every day. There is a really good chance you won’t like what you see. And it will not be good for your motivation. No weight loss program works in a day. Or even a few days. You are in it for the long haul, right?Tips On Losing Weight

So make a promise that you will only weigh yourself every week, at the most. That way you will see real progress. And that will be amazing for your motivation. Trust me on this one. I know from experience how depressing it can be to feel like it just isn’t working.

Now if you aren’t weighing yourself constantly, how do you know if you are making progress? I have found two better measures.

First check your clothes. How do those jeans fit? Or that shirt collar? Or that belt? You will know if you are getting anywhere even without the scales just by keeping track of how your clothes fit. Make sense as tips on losing weight?

Second is that you will start to hear from others that you look like you are losing weight. How often do you mention to friends, family, co-workers, that it looks like maybe they have been gaining a bit of weight? NEVER, right? Of course not. Who wants to hear that? So that just goes unsaid.

But when someone is noticeably losing weight, people want to comment. That is a great thing to be able to say to someone. You have done it before. So if you are making progress, you will hear about it. Trust me on this one too.

And one other thing to make sure you do is to take a picture – the “before” shot – as you start your journey. Make it bad. Look sloppy. Like you need a bath even. Okay, this may not be a hard thing to do – it may come naturally if you have let yourself go for a while. But you will want that photo in the future. So you can see who you were. And honestly not many people take a lot of pictures when they weight the most.

What If I Mess Up My Diet?

What if I mess up my diet. And eat something I shouldn’t? What then? Don’t let a slip throw you off.

What if I mess up my diet?

You know what will happen. You have been there before. I have been there before. You decide to lose weight. Good for you. And you have some success. But then you slip up. That dessert just looks too good. Or that waffle is calling your name at breakfast. Or a Big Mac is a necessity.

So what do you do? what if i mess up my diet? The typical response is to beat yourself up. Think that is it hopeless. That there is no way that you can be successful at losing weight. What were you thinking? And you just might give up.

But the best way to think of it is like the GPS in your car. Or on your phone. Let’s say you have the destination programmed in. And you are your way. You are making good progress. But then you mess up and miss an exit or a turn.What if I mess up my diet?

What does the GPS do? Does it turn on you? Call you a loser? Start berating you? No. Just the opposite. It just starts plotting a new path back to the destination, right? There is no name calling. (If name calling is involved, I suggest getting a new system.)

So treat your journey to a slimmer you the same way. When you fall off the path – thinking what if i mess up my diet – you have set out on, just get back on course. Remember your motivation. And get back on the horse, so to speak.

And when it happens again, you will know how to react. Just get back on track. Because you know it will. In fact there is an excellent chance that you will fall off a few times. But once you learn how to manage your reaction, then you will have an incredibly powerful tool to use.

Get Others Involved In Your Diet

Get others involved. Your friends and family are on your side when you are wanting to lose weight.

Get others involved in your diet

Chances are there are many reasons why you have made the decision to lose weight. Of course it will make you healthier. And you will feel better about yourself. And you will be less prone to disease. Okay, you already know the reasons.

Motivations are key here. Honestly it all lands on you, right? But one of the best motivations is to lose weight is for others in your life. They have a vested interest in your health. Right? So get others involved in your diet.

It is very important that you let others know of your decision. That will help for a few different reasons.Get others involved in your diet

First they will be supportive. Knowing that you are watching what you eat, they won’t try to tease you by eating that Twinkie in front of you anymore. (Maybe they should join you on your weight loss plan?) And they will understand when you don’t want to order that appetizer when eating out.

Your temptations will diminish. When you have others keeping track of you, watching you, will you go for that desert tray like you used to? Chances are you won’t.

People are social animals. There are others in our lives that have tremendous impact. Most for the good. And when they see you trying to make improvements. They will want to be a part of it. And help you out. Get others involved in your diet.

Also when you slip – and we all do – they will be there to help you get back on track.

You know one of the best reasons to get others involved is that there is a good chance they could also use a reason for losing weight themselves. And if they see you making and effort and succeeding, they just might get on board. How amazing would that be? 

Eating The Same Thing Every Day

On your diet should you be eating the same thing every day?

A lot of people say that having variety is a key to healthy eating. That may be true. But it not going to be the best way to control what you eat. And that is important if losing weight is your goal.  This is how it works for me.

Eating the same thing every day.

Now this doesn’t mean that you should never vary your diet. But limit it. This way you can control what you eat.

Think of the last time you visited a new restaurant. Or decided to cook something you have always wanted to try. Did you eat light? Or did you go for it all? I know that I always want to try too much when it is a new experience. And this will not lead to eating theating the same thing every daye same thing every day.

One good thing about having the same thing for breakfast and lunch is that it will save you a ton of time. I know that is how it works for me. If I don’t have to made decisions on what to eat 3 times a day. But only 2.  Would that help out when you are trying to lose weight?

Check this out if you want to see the plan I am currently using to make my diet more simple.

It means that I can save that decision-making brain power for something more important. Some people say that we have the ability to make only so many decisions in a day. And then we get sloppy. Ever said yes to rust-proofing when buying a car just because you were too tired to think of a reason not to?

Some people wear the same thing every day for the same reason. No early morning decisions on what to wear. It can lead to less stress. So why not do the same for eating the same thing every day?

My recommendation is to try this out. Go for a week eating the same – sensible – things for breakfast and lunch. And you can see if it works for you just like it does for me.


Diet Variety – The Key To Sticking To a Diet

It has been said that variety is the spice of life, and that is certainly true when trying to eat a healthy diet. No one likes to eat the same thing day after day, and boredom is the enemy of a healthy diet.

Diet Variety

Fortunately for those trying to follow a healthy diet, there is plenty of variety to be had in healthy foods. In addition to the hundreds of varieties of fruits and vegetables available at the average grocery store, there is a wide variety of beans, lentils, nuts, meat, dairy products, fish and poultry. There is no need for boredom to set in when pursuing a healthier lifestyle. One of the best reasons to have diet variety.

The key to enjoying a variety of foods while eating healthy is to plan meals carefully and be sure to use the many varieties of foods that are available. Using a combination of fresh fruit, vegetables, meats and whole grains, it is possible to create a fresh, exciting and healthful meal every day of the week. How is that for diet variety?728x90 A Healthier Life Program

Nutritionists often stress the importance of a varied diet, both for nutritional and psychological reasons. A varied diet is essential for good health, since different types of foods contain different types of nutrients. And following a varied diet is important to your psychological well-being as well, since feeling deprived of your favorite foods can lead you to give up your healthy lifestyle.

It is much better to continue eating the foods you like, but to eat them in moderation. Instead of giving up that juicy bacon, for instance, have it as an occasional treat, perhaps pairing it with an egg white omelet instead of a plateful of scrambled eggs. As with everything else in life, good nutrition is a trade-off for diet variety.

It is important for everyone to eat foods from the five major food groups each and every day. The five food groups identified by the USDA include grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy and meat and beans. Each of these food groups contains specific nutrients, so it is important to eat a combination of these foods to ensure proper levels of nutrition. This will add to your diet variety.

Of course simply choosing foods from the five food groups is not enough. After all a meal from the five food groups could include cake, candied yams, avocados, ice cream and bacon. Although all five food groups are represented, no one would try to argue that this is a healthy day’s menu. Choosing the best foods from within each group, adding to your diet variety, and eating the less healthy foods in moderation, is the best way to ensure a healthy and varied diet.

For instance, choosing healthy, lean meats is a great way to get the protein you need without consuming unnecessary fat and calories. And removing fat and skin from chicken is a great way to eliminate extra fat and calories.

When choosing breads and cereals, it is usually best to choose those that carry the whole grain designation. Whole grains, those that have not been overly refined, contain greater nutritional qualities and fewer sugars.

In addition, diet variety includes the fact that many grains and cereals are fortified with additional vitamins and minerals. While this vitamin fortification is important, it should be seen as a bonus, not as a substitute for a proper diet. Many foods are supplemented with important nutrients such as calcium (essential for strong bones and teeth) and folic acid (important in preventing birth defects).

Substituting healthier foods for less healthy ones is a cornerstone of a healthy diet. For instance, substituting lean cuts of meat for fattier ones, and substituting skinless chicken or turkey breast for less healthy drumsticks, is a great way to maximize nutrition without sacrificing good taste.

No matter what your reason for following a healthy diet, or what your ultimate fitness goals may be, you will find that a good understanding of nutrition will form the basis of your healthy diet. Understanding how the various food groups work together to form a healthy diet will go a long way toward helping you meet your ultimate fitness goals.

Whether your goal is to run a marathon, lose ten pounds or just feel better, knowledge is power, and nutritional knowledge will power your diet for the rest of your life with diet variety.

Want to hear my story on how I lost 40 lbs.? Click here for the details: