Category Archives: Supplements

What is Muscle Building Food?

In the bodybuilding world, you may hear about “muscle building food.” What exactly is “muscle building food?” Is this food that actually builds muscles for you? “Muscle Building Food” is essentially food that aids in building muscles. It does not, by any means, build the muscle for you.

What is Muscle Building Food?

Most “muscle building food” is high in protein. Protein is essential to bodybuilding, because itWhat is Muscle Building Food? aids in muscle growth, and it quickly repairs any damage done to muscles during workouts. Protein also has the ability to enhance your body’s natural pain relieving hormones, which enables you to workout day after day, with minimal pain. The benefits of protein go on and on, but all you really need to know is that it is essential to your bodybuilding program.

Foods that are considered “muscle building foods” include eggs, beans, meats, poultry, fish, and dairy foods. Your diet should contain all of these foods, but you must use caution. Some of these foods, such as an abundance of meat and dairy, can also quickly put on body fat, which is not what you want. You must determine how many calories you need to consume daily, based on your own personal needs, and make sure that you are not consuming more than that in food.

Because of this, “muscle building food” isn’t the only thing that you need. You also need protein supplements. If you are a bodybuilder, you cannot get the amount of protein that you need simply from the “muscle building food” that you eat. A good whey protein supplement is recommended, and you will hear a great deal of discussion and debate concerning protein supplements in your local gym.

There is a great deal more to “muscle building food” than just eating the food. The time of day that you eat the food matters as well. You will hear many theories and recommendations concerning this. The first step is to make sure that you and your muscles have enough energy for your workouts, which means that “muscle building food” needs to be consumed before workouts, including protein supplements. It is suggested that you consume pre-workout food and supplements about one and a half hours before your workout, so that the food has time to digest.

“Muscle building food” must also be consumed after a workout, preferably within twenty minutes, to prevent your body from going into a catabolic state. A carbohydrate is recommended, as well as more protein supplements. If you fail to eat within twenty minutes of a workout, and your body goes into a catabolic state, your body is essentially breaking down other muscles to replace what the muscles you have worked lost during the workout, which kind of defeats your purposes.

One thing is certain, if you are serious about bodybuilding, you must be serious about your diet, including “muscle building food,” and you must be serious about protein supplements as well. Other issues that should be important to bodybuilders include the intake of vitamins and minerals, water, and of course, adequate sleep.

Choosing The Right Vitamin Supplement

Choosing The Right Vitamin SupplementMillions of people take daily vitamin supplements to encourage good health. With all the different kinds of vitamins, minerals and herbs flooding the market these days, it’s sometimes difficult to know what to choose.

The first thing you need to know is that vitamin supplements are not a replacement for eating healthy, vitamin rich whole foods. Food contains the nutrients your body needs in their very purest form, and interact with each other and your body in a way supplements cannot. However, taking vitamin supplements in addition to eating a vitamin-rich diet can be a great way to stay healthy and protect against damage from harmful free radicals.

Choosing The Right Vitamin Supplement

When shopping for vitamin supplements, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  1. Always read the label.Reading labels is a wise practice you should do every time you shop for supplements. Labels can tell you more about dosages, ingredients, safety precautions, and other important information.
  2. Choose a reputable manufacturer.Always choose products with “USP” on the label. “USP” is the abbreviation for the U.S. Pharmacopeia and the inclusion on the label means the product has been tested and checked for quality and safety.
  3. Check the Date.Expired vitamins can lose their potency. Always make sure there is an expiration date printed on the bottle, and never purchase or use expired supplements.
  4. Avoid Giant Doses.Do not choose supplements that offer extremely high doses of a particular vitamin or vitamins. Too much of anything can be harmful, sometimes even fatal.
  5. Store Safely. Always keep your vitamins out of the reach of children. Store in a cool, dark, dry place as heat and humidity can affect the integrity of the vitamins.
  6. Always Do Your Homework. Research is always a good idea before deciding to take vitamin supplements. Consult with your doctor. Perform some Internet searches or visit your local library. There is a wealth of resources available for you on the topic of vitamin supplements and the benefits they offer.

Macular Degeneration, Dr. Steve Chaney & AREDS 2 Study

AREDS = Age Related Eye Disease Study

Based on AREDS 2 Study, What does Dr. Chaney recommend for Macular Degeneration prevention?

Quoted from Dr. Chaney by Debbie Garrison February 2, 2011

“Dr. Chaney is a Professor Bio-Chemistry and Nutrition at UNC Medical School —he is also a cancer researcher.

“Now you see it, now you don’t.

Most supplement companies are reluctant to abandon a well-established brand – even when they have something better to sell.

On a recent visit to our optometrist he alerted us to a perfect example of that in the area of eye health.

But, first a bit of background.

Many of you have probably heard of AREDS (Age Related Eye Disease Study) conducted by the National Eye Institute. That study showed that high doses of the antioxidants vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E and the mineral zinc significantly decreased the risk of macular degeneration in high risk patients.

Very shortly after the study was completed several companies started marketing vitamin supplements based on the amounts of those nutrients used in the AREDS study.

However, by the time that study was published there were already several other published studies showing that lutein and zeaxanthin were a better choice than beta-carotene and that omega-3 fatty acids also significantly reduced the risk of macular degeneration. In addition, many experts felt that the amount of zinc used in the original AREDS formulation was too high.

So the National Eye Institute immediately started an AREDS 2 study with the revised formulation and most of the manufacturers of AREDS supplements started marketing AREDS 2 supplements.

Our optometrist told us people interested in reducing the risk of macular degeneration really should be using the AREDS 2 supplements rather than the AREDS formulations offered by the same companies.

  • Since he knew that we used Shaklee products he also asked us whether it was possible to get those nutrients in the right amount from Shaklee supplements.

Dr. Chaney continues….

So we did some label reading.

1 Vitalizer Strip plus, 1 Vita E Complex, 2 CarotoMax, 2 OmegaGuard and 1 Zinc Complex come very close to the AREDS 2 formulation.

  • Linda Dietz’s suggestion: “I would add Vivix to this list and Energizing Soy Protein because I have worked with so many folks who have either reversed or stopped the progression of this growing problem.”

So the bottom line is:

If you are interested in reducing the risk of macular degeneration look for an AREDS 2 formulation —- and Shaklee quality and consistency fits the bill.”

To Your Health ! Dr. Stephen G Chaney

Before VIVIX, these supplements stopped or reversed macular degeneration for numerous Shaklee family members:

  • 6 Carotomax a day
  • 6 zinc a day
  • 1 Energizing Protein Shake a day
  • 4 Vita Lea a day
  • 4 B-complex a day
  • 6 500mg time released C a day

Now that we have VIVIX, these are the supplements that are recommended by Dr. Chaney and the AREDS 2 study as a possible prevention for Macular Degeneration:

  • 1 Vitalizer Strip a day
  • 1 Vita E a day
  • 2 Carotomax a day
  • 2 OmegaGuard a day
  • 1 zinc a day
  • One protein shake or one Meal Bar or two snack bars a day
  • 1 tsp of VIVIX a day

Most of my Macular Degeneration customers start just taking VIVIX. Then they have an eye exam. If their eye exam shows that their vision has stayed the same or gotten better, most of my VIVIX customers have added other supplements to their VIVIX and achieved even greater vision gains.

Tips From The Professor: Don’t Do Drugs

When I say don’t do drugs, I’m not referring to the kinds of drugs you might be thinking of. I’m talking about weight loss drugs.

Once again we are at the beginning of a new year, and everyone is looking for an easy way to lose weight. And what could be easier than just popping one of those weight loss drugs? In fact, if you go into one of those medically supervised weight loss centers, weight loss drugs might be the first thing that they recommend.

Of course, we’ve seen lots of weight loss drugs come and go over the years as they have all been found to have unexpected toxicities. So are the new weight loss drugs any different?

For example, the drug Xenical or Alli was approved for weight loss by the FDA in 1999. In May of 2010 the FDA was forced to announce a consumer warning that Xenical had the potential for liver toxicity. However, at that time they considered it a rare side effect.

But a study published just this month (D Xiao et al, Biochem. Pharmacol.,

doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2012.11.026) suggests that the potential dangers of Xenical are much greater than previously supposed. This study showed that Xenical blocks a key enzyme called

carboxylesterase-2 which plays an essential role in detoxifying the liver and kidneys and the entire gastrointestinal track.

And the same enzyme is important in the metabolism of many medications. For example, loss of this enzyme activity reduces the effectiveness of cancer treatments and increases the effectiveness of aspirin – raising the possibility of uncontrolled bleeding.

And it’s not just Xenical. The FDA has just approved two new weight loss drugs, Belviq and Qysmia, that it initially rejected in 2010 because of safety concerns, including heart risks and birth defects.

Belviq has a similar mechanism of action to Fen/Phen, which was taken off the market in 1997 because it damaged heart valves. Qysmia increases the risk of birth defects, and the long-term effects of both of these drugs on the risk of heart attack and stroke is currently unknown.

A physician colleague of mine always told the freshman medical students that “The only safe drug is a new drug”. He went on to say that the longer the drug has been on the market the more we know about its side effects.

Don’t misunderstand me. If you have a serious medical condition and a drug treatment is called for, the benefits often outweigh the side effects. But the clinical studies show that these weight loss drugs only give about 5% weight loss over a 12 month period.

That’s very little benefit in relationship to the risks – both known and unknown.

So when it comes to weight control medications, my advice is “Don’t do drugs”.

To Your Health!

Dr. Stephen G Chaney

P.S. Coming in January: A brand new 180 weight loss CD with testimonials called “Fit for Life” that my son Marc and I have recorded and the “180 Lifestyle Program” – comprehensive lifestyle change program that you can use to support all of the 180 Turnaround customers that you will be working with starting in January. Visit

on January 1st to grab these two new tools to support your 180 business.

While you are there, you can also check out the many benefits that you will receive when you sign up for my VIP program.

Cholesterol Regulation Complex


Every 33 seconds, an American dies of heart disease. That’s nearly a million of us a year. Heart disease is more likely to kill you than cancer, respiratory diseases, or car accidents.

And, counter to popular opinion, heart attacks kill even more women than men. To take a proactive approach to your own heart health, it’s important to retain normal cholesterol levels. The National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association say that half of all American adults may have elevated cholesterol (200mg/dL or higher).1 Elevated blood cholesterol doubles the risk of heart disease.

The best way to maintain heart health is to take a proactive approach by eating a heart-healthy diet, exercising on a regular basis, and retaining normal cholesterol levels.


Cholesterol Regulation Complex provides a safe, natural way to promote cardiovascular health.*

■ Helps retain normal cholesterol levels*

■ Increases HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels by up to 37% within three months*

■ May help prevent LDL (“bad”) cholesterol oxidation*

■ Helps inhibit absorption of dietary cholesterol*

■ Does not interrupt production of coenzyme Q10, a nutrient that provides strength

and energy to the heart*


All men and women, ages 12 and up, who want a safe, natural way to take control of their cholesterol levels, especially those with:

■ A family history of heart disease or type 2 diabetes

■ Diets high in cholesterol or saturated fats

■ Excess weight or obesity

■ Physical inactivity

■ Smoking

Cholesterol Goals

Cholesterol Goals


The recommended serving of Cholesterol Regulation Complex* for adult men, women, and young adults (ages 12 and up) is six tablets per day in divided doses. These can be spaced to suit individual convenience. For example, take two each with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or three with lunch and three with dinner. If pregnant or nursing, ask a health care professional.


■ Hydrolyzed Soy Protein Blend provides specially processed phytopeptides with bound phospholipids to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestinal tract, thereby helping to retain normal cholesterol levels.*

■ N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a plant-derived antioxidant, contributes the amino acid I-cysteine, which is involved in the body’s production of the powerful antioxidant glutathione. Scientific evidence suggests NAC may help prevent the oxidation of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.*


■ Several studies have shown that phytopeptides with bound phospholipids from soy help retain normal cholesterol levels by inhibiting the absorption of dietary cholesterol.2,3,4

■ Phytopeptides with bound phospholipids from soy have been shown to increase HDL by 26% after two months and 37% within three months.4

■ N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has been shown to help neutralize free radicals and protect against oxidation of LDL cholesterol.5,6,7

■ In vitro studies have shown N-acetylcysteine to be a strong inhibitor of LDL oxidation.

Cholesterol Reduction Complex


■ The safe, natural approach to retaining normal cholesterol levels*

■ Clinically proven ingredients

■ Raises HDL levels by up to 37% in three months*

■ Inhibits absorption of dietary cholesterol*

■ Does not interrupt coenzyme Q10 production*

■ 100% Shaklee Guaranteed


Cholesterol Regulation Complex* Helps Retain Normal Cholesterol Levels and Promotes Cardiovascular Health* Cholesterol Regulation

Complex is a unique blend of natural ingredients that helps retain normal cholesterol levels and also increases HDL “good” cholesterol levels by up to 37% within three months. It helps inhibit absorption of dietary cholesterol and does not interrupt coenzyme Q10 production.

N-acetylcysteine is an antioxidant that may help prevent LDL “bad” cholesterol oxidation.*

Cholesterol HDL Guidelines

Cholesterol HDL Guidelines



Breaking Research Shows Vitamin D Linked to HDL Cholesterol

Shaklee Corporation Research Suggests an Important Role of Vitamin D for Supporting Cardiovascular Health

PLEASANTON, Calif. – May 19, 2009 – Research supported by Shaklee Corporation, the number one natural nutrition company in the U.S., shows that a lower blood vitamin D level is associated with metabolic syndrome and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

The study results were presented at the National Lipid Association Annual Scientific Sessions in Miami, Florida and suggest an important role of vitamin D nutrition for maintaining cardiovascular health.

“I am so proud to be associated with a company whose heritage has always been about improving people’s health and well-being.  It’s very exciting that Shaklee has helped to bring this important research to the world, says Independent Shaklee Distributor, Tom Leonard. “The findings may have significant public health implications related to new understanding about benefits related to vitamin D supplementation,” adds Leonard.

In this study, intake of vitamin D from dietary supplements was strongly linked with vitamin D levels in the blood.  The greater the intake of vitamin D from dietary supplements, the higher the amount of vitamin D found in the blood.  More importantly, as vitamin D intakes increased, HDL cholesterol (or “good cholesterol”) levels increased as well.  Future research is needed to determine if vitamin D from dietary supplements can lower risk levels for metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

“Our next study, which is already underway, is intended to confirm causality by showing that vitamin D supplementation improves cardiovascular risk factors,” says Dr. Jamie McManus M.D., Chairman of Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education, Shaklee Corporation.

Kevin C. Maki, PhD, the study’s Principal Investigator and the Chief Science Officer of Provident Clinical Research, Glen Ellyn, IL, says, “Results from population studies suggest that a low serum vitamin D concentration is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular mortality, but this is the first study to evaluate the relationship between vitamin D status and cardiovascular risk factors in a group that includes a large number of vitamin D supplement users.”  He continues, “Additional research is warranted to assess whether increasing vitamin D intake will improve the metabolic cardiovascular risk factor profile.”


For more information, contact us.

About Shaklee Corporation

Founded more than 50 years ago, Shaklee has been a leading provider of premium-quality natural nutrition products, personal care products, and environmentally friendly home care products. In 2000, Shaklee became the first company in the world to be Climate Neutral™ certified to totally offset its CO2 emissions, resulting in a net-zero impact on the environment. With a robust product portfolio, including over 50 patents and patents pending worldwide, Shaklee has more than 750,000 Members and Distributors worldwide and operates in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, and China. For information about Shaklee, visit

Update on The Body About New Studies on Supplements

The Body is a great resource for information on living with HIV/AIDS. One feature is where users can “Ask the Expert”.

A recent post is a question for Nelson Vergel where the following question is asked: “Any new studies on supplements at the Vienna International AIDS Conf?”

Click here to check out Mr. Vergel’s response.

Nelson Vergel has great credentials for this type of information. In addition to many other accomplishments he also serves as a member of several pharmaceutical companies’ community advisory boards. Click here to see more information on his background. You can also see some of his work at

We feel that it is important for everyone to research credible online resources such as The Body where you can learn more about how to live a healthier life. We definitely do not have all of the answers but want everyone to become better informed.

5 Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Who Wants to Live a Healthy Lifestyle?

This is an easy question. Almost everyone.

But what can make this such a hard thing for us to do these days? In the US we typically live an eventful, busy life – filled with so many activities that to remember to treat ourselves well sometimes gets lost.

Journey to Optimal Health

To be healthy we should focus on five areas:

  1. Good nutrition – what we eat matters
  2. Weight management – how much we eat matters
  3. Fitness – to make our bodies stronger and healthier
  4. Stress management – to minimize unwanted influences to impact our well-being
  5. Taking the right supplements – to give our bodies the best nutrients to stay at our best

Good Nutrition

Many times our eating habits are developed based on the wrong influences – eating what is handy, cheap, easy to find, or what tastes the best. Most people know what makes up healthy nutrition. We should cut back on fast foods, junk foods, and reduce soda intake.

Instead we should eat a healthy diet of the proper balance of macro-nutrients, healthy protein, heart-healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, as well as the all important Omega 3 supplement.
Easier said than done – right?  But many times it takes just as much time, money, and effort to eat the wrong things.

Weight Management

Sixty percent of Americans are overweight. There are many causes, but we need to find the solution for what works for ourselves.

The diet cycle is tough on our systems and eventually results in ending up back where we started. This cycle can actually cause us to lose ground by ending up with lower muscle mass. Lean muscle is important because muscle equals metabolism. The greater our metabolism, the more calories our body uses and that means being able to lose weight or keep our weight where we want.

40%-50% of our diet calories should be made up of complex carbs, 25% to 30% of lean protein, and the remainder from healthy fats. Of course the exact formula for each individual can be different. And it is always recommended that a health professional – doctor or dietician – should be consulted to make sure you are on the right track.


Exercise is important for our well-being and healthy lifestyle for multiple reasons. Working out can be an important activity in any weight management program. Stress can also be reduced from physical exercise. Cardio exercises can be very useful in making our bodies more healthy and can reduce the cause of many of the factors in making us unhealthy.

One hour a day is recommended by many professionals as the required fitness training each day. But that does not mean that you need to spend that time in the gym. Just by taking the stairs at work, walking whenever possible instead of using the car, and staying active in the back yard with the kids all count.

Stress Management

Stress takes its toll on our physical and mental health. A healthy lifestyle includes reducing stress whenever possible. You can start by recognizing the biggest stress factors in your life and minimizing them if you can. Even taking 10 minutes of breathing exercises can help out. And it is important that we all get as much sleep as we can with our busy schedules – eight hours a night can do wonders.

Taking the Right Supplements

If we are conscious about eating a healthy diet, we still may not be getting every nutrient we need to keep us in top shape. Poor foods, less desirable food sources, pollution, and even junk food do not help out.
The recommended supplements include multi-vitamins, antioxidants, calcium, fish oil for omega 3’s, and probiotics for a healthy intestinal tract. There are many sources of natural nutrition vitamin supplements. This may take some time to educate yourself on what is best for you. But the time will be a good investment. And don’t forget to check with your doctor to get their advice as well.

Once you make the decision to leave a healthier lifestyle, you will probably discover that you have more energy, feel better, and want to do more in your active life.

And it is very important to remember that even small changes make a difference.

Good luck and get started today!