By now it’s not news that breakfast does a body good, replenishing energy, kick-starting your insulin response, and even preventing heart disease.
But when life throws too much onto our plates, the most important meal of the day often also becomes the most ignored. And even those who do squeeze in a morning meal—whether it’s toting processed granola bars to work or school; grabbing a greasy bacon, egg, and cheese on their commute; or dipping into the box of donuts someone’s brought to the office—are missing one key ingredient: fiber.
Less than 3 percent of Americans meet the recommended daily intake of 25 to 30 grams of this essential digestion-promoting, cholesterol-lowering nutrient! Make your breakfast an easy opportunity to change that, with these 32 quick recipes that pack in 5 grams or more per serving.
Sweet Oats, Bowls, and Other Grains
Photo: Begin Within Nutrition
1. Chia Seed Breakfast Bowl
Superfood chia gives this breakfast concoction its slow-digesting carbohy…