Here’s What We Can Learn from the Teacher Who Lost Weight on the McDonald’s Diet


mcdonald's rantphoto: some rights reserved by JeepersMedia

Sometimes nothing will suffice more than a good rant.

Such is the case in regards to the experiment from a teacher who lived off nothing but McDonald’s for six months. There were some lessons to be gleaned from his experience, but some chose instead to respond with harsh criticism.

Many mistakenly claimed the point of the “McDonald’s Diet” experiment was to encourage bad eating habits and telling people it’s acceptable to subsist off fast food. That was not the point and no one thinks eating nothing but fast food is ideal.

Please listen to this 20 minute episode of The Nia Shanks Show for a much needed rant and valuable lessons we can learn from the McDonald’s experiment.

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Show Notes for Episode 7: The “McDonald’s Diet:”

This episode begins with the article A Teacher Lost 56 Pounds Eating Nothing but McDonald’s, and People are Pissed. That article includes the video referenced in the show.

Admittedly this episode features a rant on this topic, but there are valuable lesson…

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