'Oh, Bring Us Some … ' Wait. What Is Figgy Pudding?

Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/12/20/460488236/oh-bring-us-some-wait-what-is-figgy-pudding?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=thesalt

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“Figgy pudding” is a traditional Christmas desserts that normally contains no figs — and isn’t what Americans usually mean by “pudding.”

Edward Shaw/iStockphoto

This holiday season, one popular Christmas carol has been raising some questions here at NPR headquarters. Namely:

“Oh, bring us some figgy pudding, oh, bring us some figgy pudding, oh — “

Wait. What is figgy pudding?

First of all, it’s “absolutely delicious,” says…

What do you think?
