Source: http://www.thefitbits.com/2015/09/positive-affirmations.html

I reached a turning point this week with my triathlon training. Just in time really, with only three days to go until I (literally) jump in the deep end at Dorney Lake, Eton, for the Diamond Tri.*

*Not sure how much jumping I’ll be doing actually, maybe more strategically lowering myself in… 

Looking back, I can see how it happened – on Tuesday I treated myself to a walk in to work with a latte rather than cycling in, and started the week in a really good mood. Having cycled to work every day for most of my working life, it’s really nice to not have to concentrate on the road and just amble along with my thoughts every now and then.

Just back from an adrenalin-fuelled few days caving, mountain biking and climbing with hubs to celebrate our first anniversary, (more on this later), I was feeling refreshed and energised as I entered the hive of anticipation that is race week.

FitBits | Mountain biking at Bike Park Wales - Tess AgnewPlaytime at Bike Park Wales

There I was, minding my own business at my desk, when my mind wandered to the tri once more, and my tummy turned and heart fluttered in the way that it does when I’m about to step into th…

What do you think?
