
You know when you’re running and your mankini falls down? It’s annoying, that is.

Alright it’s not quite a mankini, but the Bandolier reflective vest from Nathan Sports sure does look and feel like one. I get that its minimal design is meant to be more comfortable and ‘won’t interrupt arm movement while running’, but unfortunately there was quite a bit of additional arm movement going on my end to pull the bloody thing up.

Not sure if I had it on the wrong way round – at least if it was a mankini that would be obviously (and painfully) clear. But yeah, sorry Nathan, this one’s not for me.

Just as the clocks went back and daylight swiftly legged it, Nathan very kindly sent me a box of winter running goodies to test out and report back on. The Bandolier vest is unfortunately not something I can get on board with, but the rest of the kit is pretty great actually and works brilliantly for cycling as well as running.

Me and my mankini about to do some serious product testing

 To see: Zephyr Fire 100I’ve always carried water when running so have never been bothered about holding something in my hand along the way. This little beauty is lightweight, comfortable and nice and bright, with two brightness settings and one strobe – making a perfect companion f…

What do you think?
