The Best and Worst Foods to Cure a Hangover


It’s one of those mornings: Last night was a crazy one and getting out of bed feels tougher than climbing out of a subterranean pit. Old-school wisdom preaches reaching for cold pizza or a greasy bacon sandwich, but wait—some foods are scientifically proven to help cure a hangover! Read on to learn which foods can alleviate post-party symptoms and which should be avoided like that plastic cup full of last night’s beer.

The Wrath of Grapes

First thing’s first, let’s talk science. Typical hangover symptoms—nausea, sensitivity to light, headache, achy muscles, diarrhea, and decreased motor skills—are all caused by changes in body chemistry, including hormones, chemical reactions within the body, and the toxic chemicals in alcohol.1

The science of hangovers (and how to prevent them) is largely unstudied, which is why people have been inventing their own “cures” for centuries. Though no one meal or drink can cure a hangover, certain foods are better for refueling than others. After waking up with a pounding head, aim to restock the body with necessary fluids and nutrients like fructose, vitamins, animo acids, and minerals that can help break down toxins or lessen the body’s negative reaction to the chemicals in booze.

Drinks That Help

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