“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” ~Maya Angelou
We’re bombarded by advertisements that tell us if we’re thin, we’ll love ourselves. If we suddenly look a certain way, all our worries will vanish.
I’ve always been thin without really having to work at it—well, in my younger days at least.
Yes, I was skinny, but that didn’t mean I was happy. I was suffering from depression, had terrible skin, and just felt awful in my body.
Being a “perfect” size is not what will make you happy, because happiness isn’t about how you look or how much you weigh; it’s about how you feel about yourself and how you feel in your own skin.
One day I went shopping for a wedding dress and I was so depressed afterward that I swallowed most of my prescribed medication.
All I wanted to do was sleep, and sleep I did.
When I woke up I was hooked up to tubes and lying in a hospital bed. This was a major wake-up call for me. I was ashamed, and also mortified of how this was going to look.
Again, I was focusing on other people’s opinion of me, and not enough on how I felt inside.
After the overdose I knew I could take one of two different roads. I could go back to the way I was without…