Food and Fitness Week in Review


Hello my friends! How was everyone’s first week back after the holidays? It was a really busy one over here! As a dietitian, the first few months of the year are always the busiest – not only with my private practice ( – speaking of, I’ve added a new Intuitive Eating-specific package option and updated testimonials on there if you are interested) but also with the blog, since it’s health focused! I spent the week working out of my co-shared space downtown – I’ve determined that about 4 days downtown and 1 day at home is the perfect mix, because then I actually enjoy the day I work at home vs. being super lonely/blah about it. I’m working from home today and enjoyed sleeping in – and now I’m rocking out to some music in my sweatpants and sipping some tea while I work. Life is good!

I meant to schedule a Blue Apron delivery for this week but it somehow got deactivated in my account by accident, so we were flying solo for meals this week. In addition to the two fast and easy meals I wrote about on Wednesday, one night this week we also had a super simple freezer meal!

fast easy tilapia dish

I had some Bu…

What do you think?
