Here's a Meditation App You'll Actually Use


Meditation Studio App Meditation Studio App

Most of us aren’t so great at being alone with our thoughts. What’s the first thing you do when you’re waiting for a friend at the bar? Grab your phone and start scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, email, the news—anything to keep yourself occupied.

We get it, it’s hard to curb that knee-jerk reaction to whip out your phone. But maybe you don’t have to. We downloaded the Meditation Studio app and try to use it once a day, in place of our usual mindless scrolling. After just a few days, we felt less stressed and even a little more creative.

The app (available on iOS devices) includes more than 160 guided meditations categorized by issue, like stress, sleep, confidence, and compassion. Most run less than 10 minutes, so they’re doable during a lunch break or while waiting at the doctor’s office (when we need zen most). We love that the app is made for experienced meditators and newbies alike—there’s a meditation essentials course that’s an awesome introduction for people new to the practice. And we actually stuck with meditating, thanks to the scheduling feature, which syncs with your phone’s calendar and lets you set reminders. It’s probably the most worthwhile $2.99 we’ve ever spent in the a…

What do you think?
