Mom’s Got Abs: A Practical Look at How to Lose Baby Weight


What does fitness mean? That’s a big question. And sometimes a forgotten question. Folks realize they’re out of shape and/or overweight, decide they need to do something about it, and rattle off a random goal.

“I’m going to drop 50 pounds.”

You’re not gonna get anywhere if you’re not lifting something. You need to do it. If you want to change your body, pick up something heavy.

“I’m going to run a half-marathon.”

“I’m going to get my high school body back.”

These are common goals – common enough that reading them here surprises no one – but what do they really represent? Change? Yes. But random change.

Maybe you could even call it shotgun change, in that your goal is scattered and unfocused. Maybe you hit it, and even if you do, what does it mean?

Think of it this way: losing 50 pounds is a nice accomplishment. Few people do it. But why not 54 pounds? 48? And that half-marathon. Hey, not many people can run 13 miles. It’s awesome if you can do it … but then what? Are you now considered “fit?” By whose standard?

You start to see the problem. When we toss around fitness goals, they – like muscles hidden by flab — lack true definition. That’s what Kristen Buter found out the hard way. Great intentions don’t mean great results.

Buter found herself in the same situation millions of new moms find themselves – saddled with bundles of joy and a body that’s beaten up…

What do you think?
