Scientists Are Building A Case For How Food Ads Make Us Overeat


Ads for junk food significantly increased food consumption in children, but not adults, researchers found in an analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Ads for junk food significantly increased food consumption in children, but not adults, researchers found in an analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Nick Amoscato/Flickr

Why is it that we haven’t seen ads for cigarettes on television since the Nixon administration?

Because public health officials said the ads caused people to smoke more and raised their risk of getting cancer. And because Nixon stood up to the tobacco industry to sign legislation banning the ads to protect people from that temptation.

By that same logic, public health advocates argue, food ads should also be tightly regulated: Food companies use them to entreat us to indulge in their products. And we have an obesity epidemic linked to those unhealthy foods we see on TV.

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