Holy Ravioli! Cookbook Reveals The Vatican's Favorite Recipes

Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/02/17/465627948/holy-ravioli-cookbook-reveals-the-vaticans-favorite-recipes?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=thesalt

Polish nuns do most of the cooking at the Vatican. Here, they prepare sweets for the Feast of St. Nicholas.

Polish nuns do most of the cooking at the Vatican. Here, they prepare sweets for the Feast of St. Nicholas.

Katarzyna Artymiak/Courtesy of Sophia Institute Press

Empanadas are among Pope Francis' comfort foods. Above, Argentine Empanadas on Pepper Salad, from The Vatican Cookbook.

Empanadas are among Pope Francis’ comfort foods. Above, Argentine Empanadas on Pepper Salad, from The Vatican Cookbook.

Katarzyna Artymiak/Courtesy of Sophia Institute Press

He loves Argentinian empanadas and dulce de leche. In 2015, he said that if he had only one wish, it would be to travel unrecogni…

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