Is Nutritious Food In Peril, Along With Pollinators?


A bumblebee gathers pollen from a cherry blossom in a garden outside Moscow.

A bumblebee gathers pollen from a cherry blossom in a garden outside Moscow.

Yuri Kadobnov/AFP/Getty Images

Here’s an exercise in deductive logic, with implications for our food supply.

Fact: Insects such as bees and butterflies are helpful, and sometimes essential, for producing much of our food, including a majority of our fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Fact: Many of these pollinators, especially wild ones such as bumblebees, are in trouble. In Europe, where the phenomenon has been studied most carefully, about a third of all bee and butterfly species are declining, and 9 percent are threatened with extinction.

The seemingly logical conclusion? Food production will decline along with the pollinators.

<img src="" class="img100" title="A bumblebee collects pollen from a flower. New evidence suggests climate change has left bumblebees with a shrinking range of places to live."…

What do you think?
