I get tons of questions all the time.
Rather than just hitting reply and having it exist as an email response that only one person could see, I want to share my fully thought-out responses with you, the wider PTDC community. And so, I present to you The PTDC Mailbag, a monthly feature where I’ll throw together a mixed bag of your questions and answer them more in-depth.
In this edition, I answer the following questions:
How do I expand my business on social media and gain more followers (without “buying” them)?
How do you overcome the feeling that you don’t know enough or aren’t ‘qualified’ to train someone?
What is the best way to keep clients on, and not let them drop off?
Without further ado, here we go.
1. How do I expand my business on social media and gain more followers (without “buying” them)?
– Kristin A.
Hey, Kristin. First, I’ll clear up a misconception: more followers aren’t necessarily good. This is coming from a guy with 220,000+ Facebook fans. It’s not just about the number.
You need deeper and more engaged relationships.
In fact, larger numbers on Facebook can hurt you because organic views–the views that you get witho…