Tag Archives: diabetes

Walk 10,000 Steps to Improve Health and Fitness

It’s a fact, America is becoming obese at an alarming rate and the rest of the world is following Walk 10,000 Steps to Improve Health and Fitnessclose behind. We are eating more (and more of the wrong stuff) and exercising less or getting no exercise at all. Our health is in steep decline and doctor and hospital visits are at all time highs. Just a brisk 30-minute walk a day can begin to turn that around.

You name it, we have it, and it’s getting worse. Heart and cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, out of control blood sugar levels, diabetes, obesity, and more. The U.S. Surgeon General recommends getting at least 20-30 minutes of moderate activity each day and many of us are falling far short of even that.

Walk 10,000 Steps to Improve Health and Fitness

Studies show the average person takes about 3000 to 5000 steps a day, and some even much less. Let’s face it, we just do not get the exercise our ancestors did a hundred or so years ago and we tend to eat more refined foods. For some of us, most of steps we take are from the easy chair in front of the TV to the fridge so we can fill up on snacks. For others, like me, we sit at a computer all day as part of our jobs.728x90 A Healthier Life Program

Many fitness experts recommend we walk 10,000 steps a day to maintain our weight and overall good health. 10,000 steps are approximately 5 miles, give or take depending on the length of your stride. You will need to purchase and wear a pedometer to count how many steps you take each day. Follow the directions that usually come with the pedometer. Do this for a week or two and you will get a good average step count. Your goal is to reach 10,000 or more steps each day. There is nothing magical about 10,000, but it will put you in the right ballpark.

As a general rule, a person will burn about 100 calories walking a mile, depending on age, size, and fitness level. The heavier you are, the more calories you will burn.

Become creative on ways to increase your steps. At work, go for walks at lunchtime. Go for walks with your spouse or children. Walk the dog. Walk to the store instead of driving, or park at the far end of the parking lot. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. For me, I take brisk 2-mile walks around the neighborhood twice a day everyday (aerobic walking). Just do whatever works best for you, but do it! You will need good walking shoes and socks to prevent injury when walking for exercise (like aerobic walking).

Go to your favorite search engine and type in “10,000 steps” to learn more about this life saving, life changing program. The information is abundant.

Want to learn more about how I was able to lose 40 lbs? I have been walking as well. Learn more here: http://bit.ly/1rLhW2c

Your Body Is An Engine

Growing up around surface coal mining and machines with engines, I learned a lot about how engines work and the basics that they need. Now today learning about nutrition I find some similarities. Stay with me here. It will make sense, I hope. The needs of your body are similar to Your Body Is An Enginethe needs of the engine in your car. These needs are Fuel, Air, and Spark. By the way, you must have realized by now that I am a very simple minded person with a very simple mind. To simplify, this article I will address just one of these needs. Fuel.

Compare this: Your car engine needs fuel. So does your body.

Your Body Is An Engine

The gasoline you put in your car has to be clean with no pollutants. If it is contaminated you will experience symptoms. Lack of power especially when needed like going up a hill, spit sputter and backfiring, your engines way of saying ”Help!!” I am not getting the nutrients I need and it may even stop running all together. (Bad, very Bad if this is your body.) To fix the symptoms, all that is needed (if you do this soon enough) is to purge the engine of the impurities and make sure that the new fuel is clean and proper.

Your body is an engine and is no different, if what you eat is contaminated you will experience the symptoms of being tired, no power, you can also spit, sputter (vomit), and backfire (diarrhea). Again the cure is as easy as giving the body the clean and proper foods it needs. AHH, but now you may ask what are the proper foods.

Remember when you were taught that there were four basic food groups? We were instructed to eat from all four-food groups to get a balanced meal.

1. Dairy
2. Meat
3. Grain
4. Fruits and vegetables. Sounds easy EXCEPT


Have you ever suffered from one of the following? Indigestion, heartburn, tiredness, headaches, mood swings, aching joints, constipation, allergies, hypoglycemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, yeast overgrowth, just to name a few.

The problem may not be just the foods you are eating, but what Foods you are Mixing together that is causing a TOXIC CONDITION in the body, especially in the digestive tract.

OH, now you have really done it. This is sounding too confusing.

Learning about Nutrition is an in-depth study, but you can learn the basic do’s and don’ts.

Here is one easy example, Fruits: The rule for fruit is to eat it alone or leave it alone.

Don’t mix with other food groups.

I was taught very young that if you aren’t learning you are dying. Is it worth the effort??

When you first get up in the morning, are you still tired? Look in a full body mirror, look close, do you like what you see? Is your life abundant and Healthy?

PS: Are you interested in learning more about the fuel that your engine could use? Click here to check out some of the best.

Two Types Of Diabetes & How They Differ

There are two types of diabetes, which consists of Type I and Type II. It is important to understand the distinction between the two and how both are treated.

Two types of diabetes

two types of diabetesType 1 diabetes is commonly found in children and/or adolescents, but may also occur in adults. With type 1 diabetes, there is almost always a complete deficiency of insulin. As a result, the most common treatment is insulin injections, a lifestyle that consists of both diet and exercise and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels with the use of blood testing monitors. Patients who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes can continue to enjoy a normal life providing they continue with their treatment and take special care to follow their doctor’s instructions and/or recommendation.

With type 2 diabetes, an individual’s insulin level is usually either normal or sometimes even elevated, but is not deficient. This form of diabetes is believed to be more complicated than type 1, but ironically is thought to be easier to treat. Because insulin is still being produced inside the body, type 2 diabetes often goes undetected for years. Symptoms are milder and may even be sporadic, which often reduces the level of concern. The main problem with type 2 diabetes going unnoticed is the potential for serious complications, including renal failure and coronary artery disease. The initial treatment phase of type 2 diabetes will likely include a lifestyle adjustment to feature increased physical activity and a diet that is geared toward weight loss. The next step, if necessary, will be medication and possibly insulin therapy if needed.

Both types of diabetes require that the patient maintain normal blood glucose levels in an effort to reduce the possibility of organ damage, including eyesight, kidney, blood circulation, etc. In order for this to occur, patients must carefully monitor their food intake and make sure to participate in regular exercise, all the while continuing to monitor their blood glucose level.

As of 2006, there is no known cure for diabetes. A chronic disease that effects many, diabetes is best treated through patient education, nutrition, self awareness and long-term care. In addition, patients are often urged to be aware of other symptoms that may indicate complications arising from diabetes.

The contents of this article are to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used in conjunction with, or in place of, professional medical advice relating to diabetes. This article must not be used as a basis for diagnosing or treating diabetes, but rather an informational source designed to explain the difference between the two types. For further information, a diagnosis or recommended treatment method for diabetes, individuals should consult a licensed physician.

One of the best ways to avoid diabetes is to manage your weight. Here is the program I have used successfully to lose 40 lbs. — http://bit.ly/1DbURHr