Got milk? Want to lose it?

Losing weight means different things to different people. I think of it as shedding gallons of milk.

How much does a gallon of milk weigh?

One gallon of milk

That seems like plenty. How about two gallons?

Two gallons of milk

That starts to add up fast. Three gallons?

Three gallons of milk

This is more than I can carry in with the groceries. Four?

Four gallons of milk

Now that is quite a load. Almost 35 lbs. just from those four gallons of milk.

What does this mean for losing weight?

For each 8.6 lbs. I can lose, it will be as if I no longer have to carry a gallon of milk around with me all the time. So if I can reach my weight loss goal it will be like I have shed several gallons of milk. So I no longer have to carry it with me every where I go. That has to be easier on my body, on my joints and back.

And the best part will be that the majority of this unwanted weight will come off abdominal fat. And that is what I want to lose most of all.

So where am I now?

I have been using Shaklee Cinch for 9 weeks now and I have honestly lost 30 lbs. So I no longer carry 3 1/2 gallons of milk!

Three and a half gallons of milk = 30 lbs.

But I am not finished there. I want to lose another 20 lbs. and have a BMI (Body Mass Index)  under 25.  And for the first time in years I will no longer be in the “Overweight” or “Obese” categories.  I know that I will feel better and that it will be a good trip to the doctor next time.

From personal experience I can recommend Shaklee Cinch. It has worked for me – when nothing else has – and I feel confident that I can reach my goal.

If you want to know more about Cinch,  and if you want to start losing those gallons of milk, let us know by contacting us here or heading over to our site to get started with Cinch.

Good luck with your program!

What do you think?

