This is the promised email and photo from the 26 year old son of Connie McFarren, a wonderful first level of mine. I have known Brandon since he was born and he has been a faithful consumer of Shaklee nutrition his whole young life.
Grandma Causey!
I am still using Physique and Performance with all of my training. I just competed in Ironman Florida this past November in Panama City. Ironman is a 140.6 mile triathlon ~ 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile (marathon) run. I trained all year for this event and it went off without a hitch. I completed the race in 11:58:07. My goal was 12 hours – so I finished right under my goal. Physique and Performance were KEY to my regimen. I used Performance out on the course – not only during all of my training, but also during the race itself. I used Physique after my long 5 hour bike rides on Saturday mornings – as well as the “shorter” workouts during the week. Jennifer ( his wife) and I are continuing to use our Vitalizer strips (faithfully) – though she seemed to get through her last batch faster than I did :-).
Love, Brandon
PS: In an older email I just found this note:. “I can certainly provide a testimonial from when I took Physique in high school during football season. I used it every morning after our weightlifting class and loved it.” Gotta love that young man!!! Linda