25 Powerful Acts of Love and Kindness

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/g0o_CFPLRz0/

The holiday season has the potential to bring out the best in us. Though the days get shorter and colder, somehow our hearts get bigger and warmer.

Maybe it’s the thoughtfulness handwritten on Christmas cards, maybe it’s the focus on giving over receiving, or maybe it’s the anticipation of celebration with people we love.

For many, it’s the reminder of what’s important in life—not what we do, what we earn, or what we buy, but how we treat each other, how we help each other, and how we use our gifts to make the world a better place.

Yes, the season inspires us not just to believe in magic, but also to create it.

It’s for this reason I created a series of “holiday love challenges” (some taken from Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges), to inspire more acts of love and kindness.

Some focus on giving, others on appreciation, and others on giving ourselves the same compassion we strive to offer others.

I hope some of these inspire you to create a little magic in your world, one tiny act of love at a time!

Holiday Love Challenge #1

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-88734" src="http://cdn.tinybuddha.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Tiny-Buddhas-Holiday-Love-Challe…

What do you think?
