What the Bathroom Scales Are Not Telling You

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/tinybuddha/~3/YwteQ7__R70/

Feet on Scale

“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.” ~ C. JoyBell C.

At a recent visit to the doctor’s office I had some routine checks done. Afterward, the doctor flipped through the findings and said, “Blood pressure, good. Pulse, good. Weight, okay.”

He then continued talking about other things, but my mind was still on his previous words. “Weight, okay.”

Why wasn’t my weight “good” like my pulse and blood pressure? 

I had managed to completely skim over the fact that my vital signs were absolutely fine. I immediately fixated on the physical aspect—and added my own negative slant to it. 

There is so much that is so deeply ingrained within us that even when we are self-assured, we still get caught off guard sometimes.

A few weeks before the doctors appointment I’d gone shopping for a winter coat. I found one I liked, grabbed two sizes for comparison, and went through to the fitting room. One size was slightly too snug under the arms and the other gave me more freedom to move.

But the better fitting coat had a label that read “large.” And I had a problem with it.

I tried both coats on again, as though somehow expecting a different result. I t…

What do you think?
