Combine almond butter and sriracha, and we’re in heaven. Serve it on top of tangy pork in a taco and it’s even better. Don’t be alarmed by the ingredients list for this recipe: Since the marinade and sauce use many of the same things, you really only need 13 ingredients. You can handle that.
DirectionsCombine all marinade ingredients in a large dutch oven. Add pork shoulder and refrigerate for at least 8 hours or up to overnight to allow pork to marinate.
Remove dutch oven from refrigerator and let pork stand at room temperature for 1 hour. Season pork with salt and pepper.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Cover dutch oven and roast pork, fat side up, for about 4 hours, turning and basting every hour until incredibly tender and easily shredded with a fork.
Meanwhile, combine sauce ingredients and stir until well combined. Set it aside until ready to use.
Remove pork from oven and let it rest for 30 minutes uncovered. Shred pork using a fork. Serve on warm tortillas with sauce.
This recipe was provided to Greatist exclusively by NaturAlmond. We only partner with a product or company that we think rocks, and we hope you agree.
IngredientsFor marinade:1/2 teaspoon Chinese five spice powder1/4 cup soy sauce2 tablespoons rice vinegar1/4 cup sweet and sour sauce4 cloves garlic, minced1 tablespoon sriracha1 tablespoon sesame oilFor tacos:3 pounds boneless pork shoulderSea salt Freshly ground black pepper4-6 small flour tortillasFor sauce:1/2 cup natural almond butte…