Get up and Move!


So I get cravings like everyone else.  In order to keep life from getting boring, I try to even make the healthy food tasty.  Otherwise, you wind up only looking forward to those cheat meals.  After that it’s only a matter of time before you start cheating too often.  Luckily my wife is a master at making healthy food tasty.  If you don’t know how to do it (or aren’t lucky enough to have someone help with that) then check out the past newsletters; many of them have healthy recipes.  If we compile enough, maybe we’ll put together a Next Level Cookbook over time.

The biggest dietary challenge I’ve had to overcome the last two weeks is portion control.  I had gotten in the habit of always going back for seconds.  Especially at dinner time.  Now I force myself to stop after one reasonable sized portion.  Harder than it sounds (because you still feel hungry) but effective.

My challenge for you this week is to try it.

My second challenge for you is to cardio.  It doesn’t have to be boring; make it something fun.  Run with your dog, play some tennis or racquetball, shoot some hoops, whatever.  Yes your workouts should be intense.  Yes intervals are more effective.  Forget all that just for a minute and get down to the basics.  Go outside and do something fun at least once this week!

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