Join Me At Camp Nerd Fitness


Today, we’re opening up sales for a limited number of spots to join us at Camp Nerd Fitness this September 21-25th in Clayton, GA.

Camp Nerd Fitness sold out last year and I expect this year to be no different. We did an early launch to previous campers and our interest list yesterday, and we sold over 75 of our 250 remaining spots in just a few hours as I write this!

If you’re somebody who watched last year’s video, saw our 16 headmasters and all the cool activities and events we’re having, and thought “hell yah, I’m in!” -consider this a reminder to sign on up! If you’re somebody who’s interested but hasn’t decided to book a spot yet (aka “buy-curious” like Tobias Funke from the Arrested Development), I’m hoping this email will convince you to take a chance and join me.

Camp NF 2015


Simply put, Camp Nerd Fitness is a weekend that can change your life. Bold statement, I know, but I’m not one to over-exaggerate (yes, I realize the name of my bucket list is “epic quest of awesome,” but that’s me being self-aware and ironic!). I want to see you at Camp because it’s so much more than a long weekend:

It’s a place where you can belong. Last year, I had a camper run up to me at the costume party to join her in a very ser…

What do you think?
