The 12 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Big Decision


No Regrets With Susie Moore Moving to a new city. Asking for a promotion. Starting a side hustle. Hunting for a different job. Trying online dating. Breaking up with your S.O.

Life is packed with decisions, big and small. But some require deeper contemplation. Often, our hesitance to make up our minds when confronted with a big choice results in not taking any action whatsoever. We avoid it. We want to hide under the covers and hope our need to do something will pass.

But the harsh truth is that inaction is a decision too. If we don’t move to Austin, forge ahead for that VP title, start a side project this summer, or call off our less-than-satisfactory relationship, we are deciding to stay where we are. We are deciding to live in Chicago. We are deciding to remain in our current job. We are deciding to reject entrepreneurship (and more dough). We are deciding to stay with James or Jessica. If you feel a big decision is looming in your life, don’t hide! Ask yourself these 12 questions—and write down your answers—to get clear on what’s the right choice for you.

1. How long have I been thinking about this?

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What do you think?
