Category Archives: Healthy Lifestyle

Winter Sniffles: Allergies, or the Common Cold?

Do you know the difference between allergies and a cold? Learn the difference to give appropriate treatment. This article will help you identify symptoms, understand causes, and stop winter sniffles where they start.

Common Cold

common coldThe cold days of winter bring most of us indoors for the year – and then the sniffles start up. Symptoms like sneezing, congestion, and sore throat are common during the winter months. These unpleasant symptoms can be evidence of a winter cold, but they can also mean indoor allergies. What are the causes of these winter ailments, and how can they be identified (and treated)?

Winter weather can indirectly cause both colds and indoor allergies. Colds increase in winter because people spend more time inside, confined to small spaces where viruses and germs can be easily passed around. Also, the viruses which cause colds thrive in low-humidity environments, which are typically found in the cold dry months of winter. Low humidity, combined with air blowing from indoor heating systems, causes drying of the nasal passages, which can increase susceptibility to infection.

With indoor allergies, it’s a similar story. Indoor allergies are caused by dust, which contains a wide variety of allergy-causing particles like animal dander, mold spores, pollen, dust mites and dust mite waste. Spending more time indoors means increased exposure to these allergens. Plus, indoor heating systems circulate air through the house, knocking loose many allergy causing particles on carpets, furniture, and dusty shelves. Then, these allergens are circulated through your home, right along with the warm cozy air.

Colds and allergies also show themselves in very similar ways, making it difficult to tell them apart. Symptoms of colds include congestion, stuffy nose, swelling of sinuses, sneezing, scratchy sore throat, headaches, aches and pains, fever, and a cough. Allergy symptoms include stuffed or runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, sore throat, watery and itchy eyes, and sometimes headaches. The main difference between cold and allergy symptoms is that colds usually come with body aches and pains and possibly a low-grade fever, while allergies do not. In addition, colds usually last 7-10 days, while allergies will persist as long as the exposure to the offending allergen continues. If you have cold-like symptoms which persist for more than two weeks, it’s a good guess that you’re dealing with an allergy, not a cold.

Complicating matters, frequent colds may in fact result from allergies. Your body responds to tiny allergens by producing mucus, in an attempt to expel them. However, nasal mucus is also a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria, which can cause colds and sinus infections. Treating allergies will help prevent these, which is why it’s a good idea to identify allergies early and treat them accordingly.

It’s important to distinguish between colds and allergies, in order to give appropriate treatment. Cold viruses thrive in low humidity, and nasal dryness can lead to increased susceptibility to colds, so running a humidifier in cold dry winter months may be helpful. However, dust mites thrive on high humidity, so if you’re suffering from indoor allergies, the low humidity is your ally. And while rest and plenty of fluids may cure a cold, allergies will persist as long as exposure continues.

To treat and prevent indoor allergies:

Visit an allergy doctor who can help you identify the offending indoor allergens
Maintain low indoor humidity to kill dust mites and mold
Vacuum using a HEPA filtered vacuum and run a HEPA air purifier to remove airborne allergens
Encase mattress, pillows, and bedding in allergen-barrier encasings to protect from dust mite allergies
Dust and clean frequently

To treat and prevent winter colds:

Wash your hands frequently and disinfect surfaces
Get plenty of exercise and rest
Eat nutritiously, with lots of fruits and vegetables
Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and excess stress
Relieve cold symptoms with nasal decongestants and cough suppressants

When treating a cold, remember that medicines may relieve symptoms, but they will not cure the cold. Only giving your body the proper care it needs – rest, proper nutrition, and plenty of fluids – will cure the cold. And with allergies, the best way to treat allergy symptoms is to remove the offending allergens from the environment.

Interested in learning more about natural supplements that can help fight the common cold? Check this out:

You Can Have Washboard Abdominals And Look Great On The Beach

Hints and tip picked up in over thirty years around the gym

Can you imagine walking along the beach in you swimsuit with everyone looking at your rippling six pack. All eyes jealously admiring your suntanned, muscular physique.

Ok here’s the truth, “there are no easy ways to build washboard abs”!

Washboard abdominals

washboard abdominalsBut there are some ways that will give you fantastic results (and some that will waste your time).

It seems as if there is a new “Super Fast Power Abdominals” gadget on the market every week. Most of them are totally useless and may do more harm than good. The only thing that will get a workout is your wallet.

Some of them may work for a while but when the novelty wears off, it’s packed in the back of a cupboard, never to be seen again.

They are all limited in what they can do. They only allow you to do a limited number of movements. And then you get the next gadget out! You would need to exercise in a warehouse to get everything in. And that’s just for the abs!

I have even seen for sale, on eBay, with bids, a sun mask to place on your abs so that you will get sun tan where the muscle separation would be. I can imagine all the couch potatoes queuing up for this one.

If you do regular “Sit Up’s” for millions of reps you are very unlikely to build rippling muscles but you will have great endurance. If you do “straight leg sit ups” it is possible that you may damage your lower back due to the strain placed upon it. It may be better to avoid sit ups at all costs. The same with “lying straight leg lifts”.

One of the best exercises for abs is crunches. Lay on your back with your feet on a chair or bench. Curl up your upper body towards your knees. At the top position, hold for a few seconds, while flexing your abs. You will only get a short range of motion with this exercise but it will work wonders.

There are many variations of the crunch. Try doing them with a twist to work the side oblique muscles. Lying on the floor, try doing Jacknife crunches, raising your legs as you crunch, and try to reach past your toes with your hands.

For best results you need to do between 8-15 reps to build abs that will be admired be everyone. And take all sets to total failure and some more.

Some trainers say that in a set of 10 reps the first nine are the warm up and the tenth produces the muscle. I think this can be improved if you think that the one that produces the results is actually number 11!

If you are carrying a layer of extra body fat you will never be able to display a set of washboard abs. Losing that extra few pounds can make all the difference.

Counting every calorie that you eat is not my idea of fun. I like to eat a high protein diet and find it works for me. I enjoy lots of chicken, turkey, beef, milk, and cheese etc, eaten with plenty of healthy salads.

Avoid all processed food and cut down on the carbonated drinks, even the “low cal” ones. You do not need the artificial sweeteners and chemicals.

If you have a sweet tooth and are sometimes tempted to have chocolate it may be better to have a small bar occasionally instead of obsessing about it and then pigging out with dozens of candy bars. Buy fresh fruit and each time you have cravings eat some fruit.

As with any new program it is recommended that you start slowly and build up gradually as you gain experience. Even Arnold had to start with low weights and learn from more experienced bodybuilders.

This article is provided as entertainment and no responsibility can be taken for loss or injuries incurred during physical exercise. If you have not undertaken any form of exercise for a while, please consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Above all, Have fun and be safe.

Are you looking for starting to live a healthier life? Check out what works for me:

Your Diet… Is It Putting Your Health At Risk?

If you are dieting, ill, or eating a fast-food diet, you should you be concerned that you and your family are getting proper nutrition from your food.

is your diet putting your health at riskAre you feeling tired, stressed, or apathetic? Did you know these are all common signs of a diet lacking nutritional value? If you are dieting, ill, or eating a fast-food diet, you should you be concerned that you and your family are getting proper nutrition from your food.

– How can you know that you are getting enough nutrition?

Is your diet putting your health at risk

If you find that a day goes by and the only thing you’ve had to eat is a bagel and coffee or maybe some fast-food you will no doubt be feeling the physical effects of a lack of nutrition. Lack of mental clarity, weakness and irritability are all signs you haven’t given your body enough good food to eat.

On the other hand, if you or your children indulge in high calorie diets on a regular basis you will notice the effects of over nutrition. Weight gain and related symptoms will also zap your energy and put a strain on your body.

– Under and over nutrition. Finding balance.

Your diet is a crucial element to feeling good, strong and alert. If you’ve been suffering from a diet lacking in nutrition, or an over indulgence in nutrition, you’ll certainly be feeling the effects on your overall health – and even worse – you may be setting yourself up for more serious disease.

You obviously need calories for energy. It is vital to obtain the necessary amount of calories every day to maintain your optimum health. Individuals who do not take in the proper amount of calories because of ill health, physical disability, dieting or problems with absorption, usually begin to loose weight, lack concentration and as time passes they begin to loose the function of organs such as the reproductive system and eventually major functions of the heart and lungs.

A diet too high in calories will also put your health at risk. More common than under nutrition in developed countries like the United States, obesity puts a strain on the organs and increases the risk for health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

Knowing what a typical serving size of food is can help you determine if you (or a family member) are taking in the appropriate amount of calories. It is important for parents to teach children moderate eating habits to ensure good eating for life. I cannot stress this point enough!

– How nutritious is your food?

Aside from merely watching caloric intake it is important that your diet has strong nutritional value as well. You could eat an entire box of doughnuts to meet your calorie needs without having met your daily requirements for vitamins, protein, calcium and other minerals.

Choosing a diet that lacks nutrition on a regular basis will lead to a lowered resistance to illness, general weakness, and irritability. Other diet deficiencies, such as a lack of calcium, can lead to more serious disorders like osteoporosis.

While pregnant and/or lactating women, the elderly and ill individuals may have no choice but to to supplement their diet with multi vitamins, the average healthy person should attempt to get most of the nutrition they need in a normal diet that includes fruit, vegetables, protein (meat and lentils), dairy and fibre bread and cereals).

– So what about the occasional burger?

Fast-food in the diet is not harmful if it is only an occasional treat, but may show its negative effects if consumed as a major part of the diet. Educating yourself and your family on what a healthy diet is will help you and your family feel great and enjoy good health for years to come.

For a weight loss program that has been working for me, check out my story:

What About Drugs for Anxiety and Depression?

“Can drugs be helpful for anxiety and depression?” The answer is “Yes” and “No.”

Drugs for anxiety and depression

drugs for anxietyYes, drugs may be useful for short-term help. No, drugs for anxiety are not a good long-term solution.

Anxiety and depression are not caused by a lack of drugs. Drugs for anxiety do not heal the underlying causes of anxiety and depression. However, when drugs are temporarily used to give a person a window of relief to do the inner work necessary to heal the underlying causes, they can be useful.

Anxiety and depression generally have two major underlying causes – emotional and physical.


Our bodies go into imbalance when we do not eat well or have enough healthy exercise. Our bodies are not made to handle the unnatural substances found in processed food. When we overload our bodies with drugs for anxiety, chemicals, pesticides, sugar, and devitalized foods, our bodies become depleted of vital nutrients and go into stress. Anxiety and depression can be the result of this physical depletion and resulting stress.

Our bodies are designed to thrive on the food and water that God gave us – pure, clean, organic, unaltered food and water. If you take drugs for anxiety and depression and do not clean up your diet and get proper exercise, you are just using a Band Aid for a gaping wound.


Emotionally, anxiety is caused by dysfunctional thoughts – thoughts that are not true. For example, if you tell yourself that you are not good enough or you have to be perfect, you will likely feel anxious. Thoughts of not being good enough and having to be perfect are generally focused on our outer qualities of looks and performance, rather than on the inner qualities of kindness, compassion, and gratitude. When we choose to be kind, loving and compassionate with ourselves and others, we feel good about ourselves. When we choose gratitude for what we do have rather than dwell on what we don’t have, we create inner peace. Kindness and gratitude are wonderful antidotes to anxiety!

Anxiety is always a sign that we are telling ourselves a lie. The truth creates peace inside, while lies create fear and anxiety. This is a sure-fire way of knowing what is true and what is not true!

Emotionally, depression is caused by not taking good care of ourselves. If we ignore our needs, don’t speak up for ourselves, judge ourselves, and make others responsible for our feelings, the result may be depression. If you have a child whom you ignore and judge, that child will likely be depressed. The same occurs on the inner level when we ignore and judge our own inner child. Putting yourself last and taking care of everyone else but yourself may cause you to feel unworthy and depressed. Drugs for anxiety will not cure that.

There is little point in taking drugs for anxiety and depression without attending to your dysfunctional thinking and to how you are treating yourself. However, if you take drugs for a short time and give yourself the opportunity to do your inner work, they may be helpful. Many of the people I work with find that as soon as they start taking good care of themselves, they don’t like the effect of the drugs. They don’t like the fact that the drugs take the edge off their feelings. They find that, rather than wanting to be numbed out, they want to feel all of their feelings deeply, both the highs and the lows. The more they learn to take responsibility for their feelings by attending to their thoughts and needs, the more they want to feel all of their feelings. They discover that, while drugs may take the edge off pain, they also take the edge off joy.

Most of the people I work with can avoid drugs completely by learning to take loving care of themselves, both physically and emotionally. Many of the people who practice the Inner Bonding process that we teach find Inner Bonding to be far more powerful in healing anxiety and depression than drugs.

If you are a person who does not want to learn to take personal responsibility for your pain and joy, then drugs for anxiety may be a way out for you. But if you want to feel true peace and joy, drugs are not the answer.

If you are interested in natural products – more than just drugs for anxiety – that can make your health-span better here is a great place to check out:

What Are Some Natural Asthma Remedies?

natural asthma remediesMost asthma sufferers are familiar with the inhalers and oral remedies prescribed by their doctors for the treatment of wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath that accompany an asthmatic episode. While these medicines are typically effective in the treatment of the condition, there are people who may prefer a more natural approach to asthma relief, for a variety of reasons. Some people want more natural asthma remedies.

Natural asthma remedies

Any drug introduced to the body has the potential for unpleasant side effects; short term reactions such as nausea and long term concerns such as potential permanent damage from steroids used to decrease inflammation in the lung tissues. So people are looking for natural asthma remedies. There has been ongoing controversy in the medical community regarding the safety and advisability of steroid use. While these can be life-saving, there is concern that the steroids may cause irreversible damage such as muscle weakness and bone loss. To minimize the frequency of use, the asthma sufferer can make some dietary and lifestyle changes to help reduce the likelihood of an asthma attack.

The best “natural” defense against an asthmatic episode is to avoid known triggers. People with sensitivity to tobacco smoke should obviously stay away from it; and if your trigger is cat dander, you’ll just have to avoid petting the kittens in the pet store – no matter how adorable. Stay indoors on “high pollen” days if that is your trigger and always try to keep stress levels down. Using common sense is the first step toward lowering frequency of asthmatic episodes.

Reaching out for natural asthma remedies, asthma sufferers can also make healthy changes to their diets which can minimize asthma symptoms. Beyond avoiding known dietary triggers such as food allergies, nutritional supplements in the form of necessary vitamins and minerals can go a long way toward minimizing asthma attacks. Nutritional deficiencies make for a weakened system that isn’t able to effectively fight unexpected environmental triggers. Asthmatics need to exercise care even when using natural supplements. Make sure supplements are hypo-allergenic so as not to react to those! The need for certain vitamins and minerals may be greater among asthma sufferers than the average person as the condition itself tends to contribute to certain deficiencies. A good multi-vitamin is recommended to compensate for these deficiencies and make for a healthier body, better equipped to ward off reactions. Asthmatics also tend to have very low magnesium levels – a mineral that helps relax bronchial tubes – so a supplemental dose may be advisable. Finally, Vitamin C is believed to improve bronchial functioning.

More and more people are turning to herbal remedies to find relief as natural asthma remedies. While most herbal supplements are not evaluated or endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration, there have been reports of success among those who have used them. Tylophora indica, used in Auyervedic medicine in India, has been getting a lot of positive attention thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, some individuals treated with the herb, Boswellia, reported a reduced number of asthma attacks. Butterbur is another promising herb shown to be as effective as traditional antihistamines in initial studies. As conclusive studies have not been done on most herbal remedies, the asthma sufferer is advised to be cautious when experimenting with these. Not all natural asthma remedies are created equal.

While it is possible to relieve symptoms of asthma, and reduce the likelihood of an asthma attack by avoiding known triggers, making lifestyle and dietary changes, and using certain herbal remedies, it is imperative to listen to your healthcare provider. Discuss vitamin and herbal supplements with your physician, and keep him informed of any changes you make and improvements you notice in your condition. The journey to a healthier life begins with a healthy amount of care and old-fashioned common sense.

As well as natural asthma remedies, are you looking for all natural products to improve your health?

What Every Woman Needs to Know to Stay Healthy

What Every Woman Needs to Know to Stay HealthyThere are hundreds and thousands of articles, books, media sources and materials available in the world that tell us how to stay healthy. Many are on what every woman needs to know to stay healthy. How many of us have time to research, read and scour this multitude of information? Further, how do we trust all the information available out there? This article has done all the work for you. Of course, not every tip or piece of worldly advice can be put on these few pages but the most important information is here. Keep a copy and hand this out to all the women you know, it is for every female person ages 1-100.

What every woman needs to know to stay healthy

From ages 1-10

Staying healthy and starting healthy habits begins the minute we are born. What every woman needs to know to stay healthy starts early. What can we do for those at these young and tender ages? Mothers can begin by breast-feeding. They can introduce healthy items at meal times when babies are ready for solid food. Required immunizations need to be kept up to date. From birth through young childhood, the intake of a chewable tablet vitamin supplement must become part of their daily routine. Be sure to watch what ingredients are in those children’s multi vitamins you purchase. Your pediatrician or family physician can advise you of the proper vitamin supplement needed for your child’s specific body type and physical condition. Starting with healthy eating and lifestyle habits in young childhood sets the stage for your child’s good health into middle childhood and the adolescent years.

Ages 11-20

Good health is critical for young women. It’s important to remember a few key things about this age group. The young girl/woman will be experiencing a growth spurt, which may be accompanied by what is known as “growing pains”. Healthy habits will assure her full attention span and enough energy to participate in school activities and classroom learning. Her body is also preparing for the beginning of menstruation. Puberty begins and the brain starts its process of sending messages to the hormonal system and the reproductive organs begin to develop. Good nutrition along with a vitamin supplement will also ready her body for excellent reproductive health and potential child bearing. What every woman needs to know to stay healthy is critical at this age. Most importantly, by the age of 20 if she has developed these few health habits, the young woman is likely to carry those into her adult years. Especially when learning what every woman needs to know to stay healthy.

Ages 20-39

If a female person is developmentally on course and is dedicated to maintaining optimum health, she should remain healthy into her later years. These years of 20-39 are when women become busy with careers and/or having children or starting a family. Many experts agree that this is also a time when women will postpone or neglect their own health in order to provide care for others. Remember, you are not going to be able to provide much help, care or assistance for others if you yourself are ill, exhausted or nutritionally deficient. Let’s discuss how women can avoid this trap and insure their own good health.

• Eat healthy foods. Avoiding unhealthy fats and consuming raw fruits and vegetables go a long way in staying nutritionally stable.
• Watch your dieting habits. While there are many diet plans out there, the simplest is almost always more effective. Watching portion size and the ingredients (fat, calories and sugar) in foods will often net the best weight loss results. It’s wise to note that losing or maintaining your desired weight means one thing, there needs to be more calories burned than what has been consumed. This can be accomplished with:
• Exercise. Whether you are a regular attendee at the local gym or you workout at home, there are certain types of exercise that will benefit you the most. One exercise routine must raise your heart rate (cardiovascular health). Another should include free-weights or weight lifting in some form (bone health and strengthening). Additionally, walking, dancing and swimming can tone the body. Weight loss in pounds alone will make you happy when you step on the scales but most women want that loose skin (abdomen, underarms, and thighs) to tighten up as well. If you just can’t find the time to exercise, try these activities:
• Park in the last open parking space far away from the storefront and walk.
• At home, grab some large juice bottles that have the indented areas for carrying or milk jugs and do some curls.
• Take the stairs instead of elevators in public places
• Take a stroll through your neighborhood every night after dinner
• Visit your gynecologist every year for a PAP test (more often if your doctor suggests or your last one came back with an abnormal result). PAP tests are essential towards maintaining a healthy reproductive system. They are used to detect cervical cancer and infections among other things.
• Perform your own self-breast exams.
• Make an appointment at age 39 for your first mammogram.
• For a woman interested in what every woman needs to know to stay healthy, take regular multi vitamins every day. Add other supplements including calcium, Fish Oil and Vitamin C. Do some research on the types and amounts of vitamins and/or supplements you could be taking. I found to be very helpful for this kind of information. Also, it has been found that women in these childbearing years are lacking in the amount of folic acid they need. Insufficient amounts of folic acid have been linked to birth defects of the brain in newborns. These birth defects can be avoided if a woman takes sufficient amounts of folic acid before she conceives and during the early, first trimester of pregnancy.
• Not least of all, are these tips to good health that most informational sources rarely mention.
• Find a spiritual path or connection. These are highly personal so I won’t offer any suggestions. Women have chosen a religion, nature, prayer, rituals, a quiet room and many others to find that place within self where they can be at peace.
• Keep your mental health a priority. Talk to a professional therapist if you need some guidance or direction.
• Avoid unhealthy relationships. If you are being abused in any manner by anyone, seek help

While all these “tips” for the age 20-39 group will keep a woman in optimum health, most of these need to be implemented and continued into the later years as well.

Ages 40-100

These are the years that many women claim that they become wiser. Some even claim that it is the best time of life they ever experienced. The tips for the 20-39 age groups hold true for women beyond 40; some exceptions would include the advice on folic acid intake, the amount of weight carried in the free-weight exercise routines, the limitations of exercise that may create falls, accidents or injuries and the PAP tests. Regular PAP test examinations usually ceases around 80 years of age but ask your doctor first.

From ages 40-50 a woman who is interested in learning what every woman needs to know to stay healthy, can expect pre-menopausal symptoms. Again, the changes that occur in any woman’s life can never be set at a certain age. There are women that may never have any disrupting symptoms of menopause. Other women may begin menopause at age 40 others might be near 50. Some women may become post-menopausal at age 45 and others at age 52-55. No matter what the age of onset or completion, menopause happens. Be sure to talk to your doctor about remedies for the symptoms of menopause. There are hormone replacement therapies (HRT) as well as some natural supplements to ease menopause. Taking soy isoflavones, in capsule form, have recently been regarded by some women as helpful in decreasing their hot flashes.

While awareness of the importance of calcium and its consumption should be well established by age 15, many older women still don’t find it a concern. Osteoporosis (bone weakness) can begin to occur as early as age 35. By the time you get into this age group of 40+ and you haven’t been caring for your calcium needs, you might expect by age 60 to see the results in your body. We have all seen the women with humps below their neck at the spine. We have seen the stooped walks and heard of women in this age group having falls that break their hips and other bone structures. This is a result of weak bones. There are also hereditary factors that play into whether or not we get osteoporosis. Take your calcium ladies.

In summation, what every woman needs to know to stay healthy:

• Keep exercising but know your limitations
• Continue getting mammograms
• Keep eating healthy. If you like gardening, that’s light exercise and you can eat healthy too.
• Stay socially active

Women are living longer. We are living longer because the importance of diet, exercise, vitamin and supplement intakes and other information has become easily available. But living longer is not necessarily a good thing if the QUALITY of our lives is not taken into account. If you follow these tips and commit yourself to making healthy lifestyle choices then all your years can be filled with happiness, peace and good health.

Women’s health is definitely important. And to learn more about products designed for women interested in learning what every woman needs to know to stay healthy check out these products:

7 Things You Can Do Today To Get Rid Of A Beer Gut

There is much hype and misinformation surrounding the subject of how to get rid of a beer gut. If you can get past the infomercials selling their ab machines, diet supplements and magic pills you’ll have a much better chance of actually seeing some proper results and holding on to the money in your pocket.

Like anything in life that involves hard work and desirable results there are no shortcuts. To get rid of a beer gut is no exception. A task such as this requires some fundamental changes in how you live your life and exchanging bad habits for good ones.

Here are 7 small life changes you can make to your every day routine to help to get rid of a beer gut:

get rid of a beer gut1. Park the car a few blocks from work forcing you to walk the rest of the journey every day to incorporate some exercise into your daily routine. If you take the bus or train try and get off a stop or 2 early (take a change of shoes for this).

2. Try and avoid taking lifts and escalators if there are stairs you can take instead.

3. Swap coffee for green tea.

4. Split your meals up into 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day, this will increase your metabolism and therefore burn more fat. Think this might help you get rid of a beer gut?

5. Drink lots of water, particularly when you get up and before you go to bed.

6. Eat larger meals earlier in the day when you need the energy and smaller ones in the evening when extra energy will only end up being stored as fat. Remember this expression;- “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and sup like a pauper” but try and split this into 5 or 6 meals instead of the usual 3.

7. Be conscious of how you sit at your desk or how you hold yourself during your day to day routine. To get rid of a beer gut, one of the best ways to develop a flat tummy is to exercise your transverse abdominus. You do this by holding in your stomach (without holding your breath). Aim to see how long you can hold it in for and better your time every day.

Drawing your belly button into your spine is sometimes referred to as ‘activating your core’. If you work at a computer set a calendar reminder to ‘activate your core’ several times a day. If you don’t work at a computer set your watch or phone alarm to remind you to do this. Tensing your stomach muscles and drawing your naval into your spine is something you can do sitting or standing and in almost any situation.

These 7 tips can make a world of difference to helping you get rid of a beer gut if you add them to your daily routine. Proper diet and exercise play an important part as well, however it is possible to ‘multitask’ and lose your beer gut when you’re at work and even at play.

If you combine these routine changes with a solid exercise and diet system you’ll start seeing results a lot quicker than you thought possible. Of course you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right diet and exercise system.

For more every day diet and exercise tips be sure to check out my site for in depth info on how to most effectively get rid of a beer gut and develop rock hard 6-pack abs.

Looking for a better weight management program? One that actually works? Check out my story:

What is Yoga – Questions and Answers

What is Yoga? Yoga is a very old way of life that came from India that encourages personal health, spirituality and wellness. It doesn’t clash with any religion but does have an influence on our spiritual path. What Yoga is not: a religion, a circus act, looking intently at a candle in roomful of smoky incense, or just for adolescents who are flexible.

What is Yoga?

what is yogaTo practice correctly you need discipline, concentration and attentive breathing. The effect of serious Yoga practice is an excellent union of mind, body and spirit. No matter your age, knowledge, body shape, or physical skills can implement a Yoga program.

Hatha based or alignment Yoga has been around for approximately 5000 years. More and more medical practitioners and therapists are using Yoga as a remedy for many kinds of poor health conditions. This is a good reason to investigate what is yoga. The rewards of Yoga practice are numerous and consist of increased strength and flexibility, cardiovascular vigor, healing injuries, produces mental clarity and emotional balance.

Most significantly, it’s a complete exercise. What is yoga? Yoga practice can replace various exercises such as:

  1. Weight lifting drills for strength
  2. Jogging or aerobics for cardiovascular workout
  3. Tai Chi for building awareness of balance and harmony
  4. Stretching exercises for flexibility
  5. Meditation for relaxation and tranquility of the mind.

Yoga is more than a stretching and relaxation system, it’s the ideal test for your mind and body.

Should you practice Yoga?

All persons from couch potatoes to world class athletes can profit from the exercise of Yoga. Another reason to learn what is yoga. Purna Yoga requires the perfect positioning of your body as you hold the poses you develop your physical strength and stabilize your emotional and mental condition. This does not happen overnight, if you are looking for a fast solution to a health problem you are better off looking for another type of exercise.
Yoga will be your preferred exercise if your long term goal is to reclaim your energy, health and dynamism. Yoga exercise is a perfectly balanced program that can be started by anyone above the age of eight. Your practice can be made more challenging as you progress or take it easy on days which you are fatigued.

Familiarize yourself with the various Yoga styles to have a better understanding of the classes that are offered in the Yoga schools near you. You need to be able to choose the correct Yoga style which will match your practice goals and your level of physical fitness.

No matter why you are interested in learning more about starting a Yoga practice, you will certainly profit from the self-control, breathing techniques and the physical exercise you get while practicing Yoga. And knowing more about what is yoga.

Yoga can be part of any healthy living lifestyle. And can be instrumental in losing weight.

What Every Man Needs To Know To Stay Healthy

In today’s fast-pace world, who has time to worry about health? There is just too much to do. With the demanding responsibilities of school and work, it becomes stressful just to squeeze in time to relax. So the question arises: what every man needs to know to stay healthy.

What Every Man Needs To Know To Stay HealthyTight schedule tactics are key. As every shrewd planner knows, the maintenance of personal health is essential. Health problems will most often monopolize the calendar. Proactive actions take up less time in the long run. It is never too early or late to start taking care of your health. There is no time to wait.

What every man needs to know to stay healthy

Good health is really not complicated. The ingredients of a healthy lifestyle can be outlined into six basic categories:

– Eat foods with high fiber, low saturated-fat, and low sugar. Diets should regularly meet all levels of essential nutrients. Fruits and vegetables should be incorporated into meals and snacks whenever possible.
– Include vitamins and supplements into daily diet.
– Exercise regularly.
– Schedule regular physical examinations.
– Balance work and social activities.
– Avoid beginning and eliminate rapidly unhealthy lifestyle habits.

What every man needs to know to stay healthy starts to become simple. Good health is not a fad. Rather, it should be practiced throughout the entire life cycle. Here are some age-focused priorities:

20 Years and Under:

This group is at the most advantage. By starting sound habits now, teenagers have the power to set foundations for a long and happy future.

The first thing to remember for learning what every man needs to know to stay healthy is that growth is still occurring. Growing muscles and bones require a healthy diet. However, as modern food processing often strips foods of vital nutrients, vitamins and supplements become a necessary diet component. A good multi-vitamin is a great place to start. Research continues to find more and more on the impact of diet/exercise in the reduction of major health problems such as obesity and cancer. Boys should regularly engage in both cardiovascular and long-endurance activities. Organized athletics provide an excellent way to combine exercise with social opportunities.

Examinations should include a yearly physical and regular eye and dental exams. In later years, various other exams should begin. Starting at fifteen years of age, teens should give themselves monthly testicular exams to check for painless lumps connected with testicular cancer. At eighteen, routine electrocardiograms and monthly self melanoma exams should begin.

Life should be balanced between a variety of school and social activities. However, while social settings are an important component of life, they also have a tendency to increase one’s contact with high-risk behaviors. Proper education on matters such as alcohol, cigarettes, other drugs, as well as sex education greatly reduce future addictions and severe health problems.

Begun early, a healthy lifestyle has a greater chance at lasting effects. While people are more likely to continue early-rooted practices, healthy beginnings fortify the body for the years ahead.

20 to 40 Years:

Beginning in the early twenties and continuing to early middle-life, what every man needs to know to stay healthy is that they need not only to continue the good heath practices of earlier ages, but also to aid the body in its resistance of stress and other increasing health risks.

As young adults participate in higher education and in the work force, responsibilities widen and time becomes an increasing factor. Fast food often serves as the most convenient diet choice. However, a healthy diet and exercise are essential to counteract increasing threats of heart disease and cancer. A diet low in fat is crucial. The need for supplements heightens. Schedules will interfere with healthy meal plans. As vitamins and supplements substitute for missing nutrients, they also help assist in the reduction of health risks. Busy schedules will inevitably place a strain on the immune system. With an appropriate vitamin and herbal plan, aligned with an individual’s unique make up, illnesses will reduce and energy will maximize. This is part of what every man needs to know to stay healthy.

Substance use should be kept at the lowest possible level. Caffeine intake should remain moderate. If effects such as anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and heart palpitations result, men should reduce/eliminate levels and should see a physician for persisting symptoms. Since cigarettes harm lungs and increase heart disease and cancer, they should be avoided at all times. Ideally, alcohol consumption should not exceed three standard-size drinks a day. While causing a large percentage of male fatalities, such as liver implications and driving accidents, alcohol and drugs play a large role in issues such as domestic violence. Healthy relationships are crucial in the reduction of stress and loneliness.

And knowing what every man needs to know to stay healthy. men at this time are highly susceptible to heart disease, strokes, and other serious health issues. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels must be closely monitored. At twenty-one, men should begin checking their blood-pressure annually. If readings show 140/90 and over, regular testing should be increased. At thirty-five, cholesterol tests should begin. Tests should be repeated at least every five years. With the avoidance of hypertension, high-blood pressure, and of high levels of cholesterol, men can greatly improve their quality and longevity of life.

Health risks do increase during this time of life. Nevertheless, a healthy lifestyle will greatly reduce threats and increase the assurance of a high quality of life.

40 Years and Beyond:

There is no reason to let preventable health risks interfere with the quality of life. Tests for cholesterol and blood pressure should continue. Healthy diets often need a doctor monitoring for warning signs such as high blood sugar levels. Vitamin and supplements are crucial. While relieving risks and reducing problems, they greatly ensure the transition and preservation in life’s later years. While activity may eventually need to decrease, a doctor will most likely prescribe the continuation of some form of exercise.

What every man needs to know to stay healthy includes the fact that men should begin scheduling exams for two high health risks at age fifty. The components of a colorectal exam should range from one to ten years. With early discovery, colorectal cancer is easily treated. Prostate cancer is the most common form for men. An annual PSA blood test and a Digital Rectal Exam are used for cancer discovery. Doctors often suggest more frequent testing for people with a family history of prostate cancer and/or those of African American ethnicity.

With the combined efforts of individually appropriate diets, exercise, and exams and of healthy companionship, men can enjoy healthy maturity into the late years of life.

Too often the hectic nature of life causes men to overlook the importance of maintaining good health. And not knowing what every man needs to know to stay healthy. However, with good habits including a diet full of healthy foods, vitamins, and supplements, a regular exercise program, and physical exams, a healthy lifestyle is not only attainable but also essential for every man. There should always be time for health.

Also in knowing what every man needs to know to stay healthy, includes weight management. For more information check out:

Why You Should Take Up A Physical Hobby

physical hobbyThe working day is getting gradually longer and more of us are forced to work a greater number of days in the week In fact, it is not uncommon to finish work late and then continue work at home. You should try to avoid this situation if possible. Draw a line between your working life and your home life and only work late or from home when it is absolutely necessary.

The stress of longer days and longer weeks means that people not only have less time to unwind but that we also suffer from stress, depression and other illnesses more often. Taking up a physical hobby or pastime is a great way to combat illness and wind down after or prepare for work. Make a little time in your schedule on a regular basis to do some exercise.

Physical hobby

It is recommended that you exercise every day or two and if possible you should stick to this physical hobby. A daily routine is the easiest to adopt, although it isn’t always feasible to spend a certain amount of time every single day exercising. However, even half an hour a day can really benefit your physical and your mental health.

Exercise helps to burn off energy as well as fat and by doing so, it can help prevent heart disease and create chemicals in our bodies that are absolutely vital to a healthy life with a physical hobby. Similarly, it can reduce stress and depression so will benefit more than your physical well-being.

Walking and jogging are among two of the easiest, most affordable exercise regimens you could try. Apart from some very basic equipment for jogging, and even less for walking, you won’t have to pay a penny. Try and walk or run for half an hour every day and if you don’t find you have the time then try walking to or from work or get off the bus a stop earlier than normal. Even most gym memberships can be found for a cost no more than what one would pay for a coffee every morning. Overall a daily work out physical hobby is a great way to improve health and lower stress from day to day.

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