Category Archives: Healthy Lifestyle

Your Anchors & How They Keep You From Your Weight Loss Goals

Anchors are the reasons that attach you to any behavior. Including your weight loss goals. Your anchors originated from extremely strong repetitive memory associations, which are triggered by your five senses of hearing, vision, smell, taste, and touch. You are constantly being anchored in different ways through out your life. For example, when you hear a certain song and it brings back a memory of a certain person, or a place in time, this is an audio anchor or an anchor triggered by your sense of hearing.

Weight loss goals

weight loss goalsHave you ever met someone for the first time and noticed that something about them reminds you of someone or something else? This is a visual anchor or an anchor triggered by your sense of sight. Until now all of your anchors have been installed in your subconscious mind by someone else or by accident and in most cases you were not even aware of them. Now for the first time through the process of Burris MIND/FITNESS, you can learn how to anchor a reaction or behavior you want on purpose and consistently get the results you want over and over, until you are assured of attaining your weight loss goals.

It is important to understand that your subconscious mind can be triggered into a negative anchored behavior without even pausing to consider what it is doing. It is this type of behavior that is responsible for your worst eating habits. I refer to this type of behavior as “No Thought Eating.” At the time of “No Thought Eating” your subconscious mind has given no consideration to what it is doing and your conscious mind is not even aware that anything is taking place.

A good example of this is when you are feeling fearful, guilty angry, or bored. You immediately look for something to eat, even if you are not hungry. In most cases you will look for what you refer to as your comfort foods, which is anything that is high in sugar, fat or both. Let us say you come across a bag of cookies, without any hesitation you eat one and before you realize it, you are eating the whole bag. Sometime during this “No Thought Eating” binge your conscious mind awakens to what is taking place. You stop your eating binge and now along with feeling fearful, guilty, angry, or bored; you are also probably a little nauseous. The first thought that pops into your mind is: “Why Did I Eat That? I wasn’t even hungry!” How many times have you asked yourself this self-defeating negative question “Why Did I Eat That?” Not a good thing for meeting your weight loss goals.

The second you asked yourself this question, your subconscious mind is triggered into action to find an answer, which in turn produces a correlating picture. Surprise, surprise what did it find in your subconscious eating behavior program? It found you ate the cookies because you were feeling fearful, guilty, angry, or bored. Of course it did because that is exactly how you were programmed as a child to react to fear, guilt, anger, or boredom. Once again your subconscious mind will take this answer and the correlating picture of you being overweight and use it to anchor you even deeper to your childhood program.

Here is where the fun starts, what you have to do in order to change your existing negative anchored behaviors of “No Thought Eating?” You simply restructure your question from its negative form of “Why did I eat that?” to a positive form question of “How can I stop this no thought eating when I am feeling fearful, guilty, angry, or bored?” Do you see how this can impact your weight loss goals?

Your subconscious mind will now produce a positive answer to your new positive question such as: When you are feeling fearful, guilty, angry or bored, find an activity you enjoy in place of eating. Once again these new answers will produce empowering correlating pictures that will move you toward your weight goal. It is truly that simple, positive empowering questions = positive empowering results.

From this time on, it is essential that you are always conscious of your inner voice, thereby insuring that all of your self-questions are positive ones and insuring that you always maintain a positive emotional state.

Regardless of weather your goal is a change in diet for weight loss goals, an increase in your fitness program or to take control of an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. In the end the question you need to ask yourself is…Am I completely happy with the mind running itself or do I need to take control of it? If your answer is I need to take control of it, then Burris MIND/FITNESS is the answer.

The health of your body is dependent on your mental health and taking control of the subconscious is the key to lasting permanent change of any behavior.

For my story on how I was able to lose 40 pounds to meet my weight loss goals and keep it off check it out here:

Simple Ways to Living a Healthy Life

We’re so busy racing through our day to day lives that we don’t take the time to look after ourselves. We don’t think of the simple ways to living a healthy life. It’s really no wonder that so many of us are tired and run down. What are some simple things that we can do to improve our quality of life?

Simple ways to living a healthy life

In the fast paced world that we live in it can be easy to neglect our health and wellness. We’re so busy racing through our day to day lives – family, friends, work, social engagements – that we don’t take the time to look after ourselves. What are some simple things that we can do to simple ways to living a healthy lifeimprove our quality of life?

Drink Drink Drink…

You’ve heard it a million times and you’ll probably hear it a million more – drink more water!

Think about it: The human body is 72% water. A 5% drop in fluids creates a 25-30% loss in energy. A 15% drop in fluids causes death! At this point in time 66% of us aren’t drinking enough water, so over half the population isn’t running on all six cylinders to begin with – before things like bad air, bad food and stress take their toll.

It’s not really a difficult thing to remedy. Just drink one glass of water every half hour or so – or 10-12 glasses of water per day – and you’ll notice a huge jump in your energy levels. And a great start to find simple ways to living a healthy life.

Living Food – Loving Life!

Another tip for simple ways to living a healthy life. A little known fact is that heating food above 116°F destroys much of the nutrient content. Considering that we already aren’t eating enough veggies, that’s a fairly substantial problem. Nutritionists recommend five serves of fresh vegetables per day. How many of us are actually taking that advice?

A great way to get the nutrients found in fresh veggies without spending all day at stove or eating raw celery sticks is to juice your veggies. Make sure that you own a good juicer (some juicers expose vegetables to heat created by friction during juicing, which breaks down important enzymes), grab some fresh vegetables and drink your way to good health. It takes a fraction of the time (there’s no cooking involved, for one thing) and it’s convenient. You can take your juice to work and even give some to the littlies for school lunches!

Wheatgrass in particular is an excellent source of nutrition. It’s high in chlorophyll (sometimes described as ‘plant blood’ because it closely resembles human red blood cell molecules) and has over 100 elements that the body needs. Fresh grains are another excellent source for vitamins and minerals. How amazing is that for one of the simple ways to living a healthy life.

Energy In – Energy Out

Exercise is another dirty word for most of us. The thing is, exercise doesn’t have to be horribly time consuming or mind-numbingly boring. There are plenty of options.

Years ago gyms usually offered weight rooms, aerobics classes and maybe a tydro-circuit. Now you can add water aerobics, yoga, pilates, dance-ercise, step classes and a whole range of new workout options. What is better than exercise for simple ways to living a healthy life.

If you don’t really have the time or money for the gym, or prefer to spend your mornings/nights at home, then try an exercise bike or walker. I’d be lost without my exercise bike – I set it up in front of the television and peddle away merrily during my favourite shows.

If, like me, you suffer from illness or injury or your level of fitness is quite low, you might like to consider some invaluable advice that I got from my doctor:

Once you’re physically unfit, and particularly if you’re also unwell, it can be a mammoth battle to just do the most minimal amount of exercise in a day. The danger is that inactivity leads to further loss of energy, which becomes a self-perpetuating cycle until you can barely get off the couch. Never a good thing if you want simple ways to living a healthy life.

An excellent way to get back into a physical routine is to start slowly. Ridiculously slowly, it may seem. For the first couple of weeks, walk/ride for 5 minutes per day – exactly 5 minutes, no more, even if you think you could continue. When the 2 weeks are up, increase to 7 minutes, then 10 minutes, 12 minutes… continue to gradually increase your activity until you’re at a level that you’re comfortable with.

It may sound a little silly, but it works. In effect, you trick your body into producing more energy. You’re building your exercise time up so slowly that your body doesn’t really realise what’s happening. Follow this method and, before you know it, you’ll be comfortably exercising within your limits every day. Won’t that make it easier to find simple ways to living a healthy life?

So, folks, that’s the basics. If you can rearrange your life a little to allow for better eating habits and a little exercise, and if you remember to just drink a glass of water every half hour or so, you’ll be well on the way to living a healthy life. On a final note, don’t forget to take some quiet time for yourself. Meditating is an excellent way to minimise stress. You don’t have to sit around for hours, just give yourself 5 minutes of quiet time every day – even in the shower, if that’s the only place where you can get time out – and have a little catch up with yourself.

And, last but by no means least, laugh! In fact, laugh like a loon – the louder the better! You’ll be amazed at how much such a simple thing can lift your spirits!

I know that I have been looking for simple ways to living a healthy life myself. And losing weight has been key. Want to know how I lost 40 lbs.? Here is my story:

The Various Sleep Music Used For Curing Sleeplessness

The Various Sleep Music Used For Curing Sleeplessness

By Ryan Judd

Insomnia is an acute problem in the lives of people that should be treated effectively in order to preserve the perfect balance of body and mind. If you spend sleepless nights you may suffer from diseases such as heart problems, blood pressure, depression and obesity. Researches revealed that individuals who are deprived of quality sleep tend to suffer in both personal and professional lives, thereby highlighting a notable deterioration in the productivity levels. They do not remember things and fail to accomplish the jobs efficiently.

There are diverse ways you can adopt to reduce your stress and anxiety and fall asleep quickly. While you would find various tips from different sources to doze off, one of the best options that you can perform to improve the duration as well as quality of sleep is to listen to melodious music regularly before falling asleep. Music has healing powers that can allow you to overcome insomnia and enjoy deep slumber.

Listen to Nature Music

Whether you are facing physiological or emotional issues, getting close to nature can offer immense peace of mind. When you are searching for relaxing music to sleep better, sounds of whales, chirping birds, leaves, flowing water can be perfect solutions. These sounds have superb healing powers that can relieve your mind from all types of emotional conditions and allow you to enjoy uninterrupted nap. However, individual preferences can vary. It might be possible that for some people, the music can create a huge disturbance, thereby keeping them awake throughout the night.

Stay tuned to classical music

If you wish to doze off, then you can listen to classical music. It is advisable not to listen to tracks that might begin at a slow pace, but continue to become upbeat and loud. It can keep you awake just when you go to bed to sleep fast.

Soothe your soul with instrumental music

Soothing instrumental music produced from diverse instruments such as flutes, pianos and other instruments can be effective in allowing you to sleep quickly. They can be effective in relaxing your mind and releasing worries and anxieties. Since instrumental music is devoid of words, you do not have to focus only on the melody. You can drift off to a deep slumber while you listen to your favorite music.

Take pleasure of pan flutes

Just like music of nature, pan flute is a thing of acquired preference. While this type of music is useful for some, it is repulsive to others. You can try it and decide if it suits your preference.

Whatever kind of sleep songs you might select, you need to remember that it is not upbeat or loud but nice as well as relaxing. You must listen to music to reduce stress and cure insomnia naturally. You do not have to consume drugs for this purpose. Your objective is to use music to fall asleep easily.

Help My Insomnia is a wonderful website, where you can purchase CDS on relaxing sleep music composed by Ryan Judd. He is a trained and board certified music therapist, who uses sleepy time music to help people suffering from insomnia.

Article Source:



Shaklee 180

How Much Weight Would You Like to Lose Before Summer?

Shaklee 180

Shaklee 180 Are You Ready?

Summer is coming up.  Sooner than we think.  And I am like a lot of people – I would feel a better if I was a few pounds lighter when it shows up.

I like summer because it is bright and sunny.  And while no one is going to be seeing me at the beach in Speedos, I want to be wearing cargo pants and a t-shirt and not have to think that it would be nice to be thinner.  So now is the time to make the commitment – start now and over the next few weeks I can lose that extra weight.

My goal is to lose 20 pounds before the 4th of July.

I know I can do it.   It just takes the effort and the right program.

What about you?  How much weight would you like to lose before summer?  Be honest and realistic and public  Post your goal in the comments below to let everyone know.  Of course we won’t report on your progress but you can come back and update us as you work towards that summer goal.

Click here to learn more on our Shaklee 180 web site.

Good luck and get started today!

Another Sports Nutrition Success Story as promised

This is the promised email and photo from the 26 year old son of Connie McFarren, a wonderful first level of mine. I have known Brandon since he was born and he has been a faithful consumer of Shaklee nutrition his whole young life.

Grandma Causey!

I am still using Physique and Performance with all of my training. I just competed in Ironman Florida this past November in Panama City. Ironman is a 140.6 mile triathlon ~ 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile (marathon) run. I trained all year for this event and it went off without a hitch. I completed the race in 11:58:07. My goal was 12 hours – so I finished right under my goal. Physique and Performance were KEY to my regimen. I used Performance out on the course – not only during all of my training, but also during the race itself. I used Physique after my long 5 hour bike rides on Saturday mornings – as well as the “shorter” workouts during the week. Jennifer ( his wife) and I are continuing to use our Vitalizer strips (faithfully) – though she seemed to get through her last batch faster than I did :-).

Love, Brandon

PS: In an older email I just found this note:. “I can certainly provide a testimonial from when I took Physique in high school during football season. I used it every morning after our weightlifting class and loved it.” Gotta love that young man!!! Linda


Dean Smith Rows to new World and American Record

Dean Smith set new US and World records at the World Indoor Rowing Championship, hosted by the CRASH-B Sprints that took place on February 17, 2013 at the Agganis Arena in Boston. Over 2,200 athletes raced from more than a dozen countries, with competitors ranging in age from 14 to 95. Dean’s world record time in the 2000 meter row was 8:10.5. Just Google Dean Smith Rowing to see how he has been keeping active.

Dean, a former world- class runner is used to being on the winner’s podium. Previously in Masters Track & Field he won World championship gold medals in Hanover, Germany and Gothenburg, Sweden for the 800 meter run, as well as several national championships. Bad knees brought an end to Dean’s running a few years ago, so he was delighted to find a new sport in which to compete. He joined the Rocky Mountain Rowing Club when he moved to Lone Tree, Colorado seven years ago. Since then he has won NINE World Championships in sculls on the water in Zagreb, Croatia, Vienna, Austria, Birmingham, England and Vilnius, Lithuania.

Dean is a young 86.

He attributes his edge for success to using Shaklee Sports Products.

Macular Degeneration, Dr. Steve Chaney & AREDS 2 Study

AREDS = Age Related Eye Disease Study

Based on AREDS 2 Study, What does Dr. Chaney recommend for Macular Degeneration prevention?

Quoted from Dr. Chaney by Debbie Garrison February 2, 2011

“Dr. Chaney is a Professor Bio-Chemistry and Nutrition at UNC Medical School —he is also a cancer researcher.

“Now you see it, now you don’t.

Most supplement companies are reluctant to abandon a well-established brand – even when they have something better to sell.

On a recent visit to our optometrist he alerted us to a perfect example of that in the area of eye health.

But, first a bit of background.

Many of you have probably heard of AREDS (Age Related Eye Disease Study) conducted by the National Eye Institute. That study showed that high doses of the antioxidants vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E and the mineral zinc significantly decreased the risk of macular degeneration in high risk patients.

Very shortly after the study was completed several companies started marketing vitamin supplements based on the amounts of those nutrients used in the AREDS study.

However, by the time that study was published there were already several other published studies showing that lutein and zeaxanthin were a better choice than beta-carotene and that omega-3 fatty acids also significantly reduced the risk of macular degeneration. In addition, many experts felt that the amount of zinc used in the original AREDS formulation was too high.

So the National Eye Institute immediately started an AREDS 2 study with the revised formulation and most of the manufacturers of AREDS supplements started marketing AREDS 2 supplements.

Our optometrist told us people interested in reducing the risk of macular degeneration really should be using the AREDS 2 supplements rather than the AREDS formulations offered by the same companies.

  • Since he knew that we used Shaklee products he also asked us whether it was possible to get those nutrients in the right amount from Shaklee supplements.

Dr. Chaney continues….

So we did some label reading.

1 Vitalizer Strip plus, 1 Vita E Complex, 2 CarotoMax, 2 OmegaGuard and 1 Zinc Complex come very close to the AREDS 2 formulation.

  • Linda Dietz’s suggestion: “I would add Vivix to this list and Energizing Soy Protein because I have worked with so many folks who have either reversed or stopped the progression of this growing problem.”

So the bottom line is:

If you are interested in reducing the risk of macular degeneration look for an AREDS 2 formulation —- and Shaklee quality and consistency fits the bill.”

To Your Health ! Dr. Stephen G Chaney

Before VIVIX, these supplements stopped or reversed macular degeneration for numerous Shaklee family members:

  • 6 Carotomax a day
  • 6 zinc a day
  • 1 Energizing Protein Shake a day
  • 4 Vita Lea a day
  • 4 B-complex a day
  • 6 500mg time released C a day

Now that we have VIVIX, these are the supplements that are recommended by Dr. Chaney and the AREDS 2 study as a possible prevention for Macular Degeneration:

  • 1 Vitalizer Strip a day
  • 1 Vita E a day
  • 2 Carotomax a day
  • 2 OmegaGuard a day
  • 1 zinc a day
  • One protein shake or one Meal Bar or two snack bars a day
  • 1 tsp of VIVIX a day

Most of my Macular Degeneration customers start just taking VIVIX. Then they have an eye exam. If their eye exam shows that their vision has stayed the same or gotten better, most of my VIVIX customers have added other supplements to their VIVIX and achieved even greater vision gains.

Tips From The Professor: An Apple A Day Keeps The Blues Away

Last week I shared with you a study suggesting that junk food makes you sad.

So you might be asking: “Does that mean that healthy foods can make you glad?”

According to one recent study (Br J Health Psychol, Jan 24, 2013, doi:

10.1111/bjhp.12021) the answer may be yes.

A team from the University of Otago in New Zealand enrolled 281 young adults (average age = 20) in a study that looked at the effect of diet on their mood. Each day for 21 consecutive days they recorded their mood and what foods they ate using an online questionnaire.

In particular, they reported the number of servings of fresh fruit and vegetables and of several unhealthy foods such as biscuits or cookies, potato chips or French fries and cakes or muffins.

The investigators correlated the foods eaten with the moods reported by the participants on the same day, and again on the day after those foods were eaten. The results were pretty impressive.

On the days when people ate more fruits and vegetables they reported feeling calmer, happier and more energetic than they did on other days (p = .002 – anything less than .05 is considered a statistically significant difference). And the good effects of fruit and vegetable consumption carried over to the next day as well (p < .001).

While I paraphrased the “apple a day” quote to introduce this topic, one apple won’t quite do it.

According to this study it takes about 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables to positively affect mood.

Of course, any good scientist will tell you that correlations do not prove cause and effect. It could be that when people are “down in the dumps” they just naturally reach for junk foods rather than fruits and vegetables.

However, since there is no downside to consuming fruits and vegetables, I feel fully comfortable recommending more fruits and vegetables in our diets.

If their health benefits aren’t enough to motivate you, maybe the possibility of improving your mood will!

There are some things we just can’t control. We can’t do anything about the cold, dark days of winter. And to paraphrase those country songs, we can’t keep our girl and dog from running off. Life happens to all of us.

But, if we want to keep our mood where it should be, we can always reach for those fresh fruits and vegetables.

To Your Health!

Dr. Stephen G Chaney

P.S. Now Available For Immediate Shipping: The “180 Lifestyle Program” – a comprehensive lifestyle change program that you can use to support all of the 180 Turnaround customers that you will be working with as your 180 parties start getting results. Visit to grab this valuable new tools to support your 180 business. While you are there, you can also check out the many benefits that you will receive when you sign up for my VIP program.

Dr. Stephen G Chaney

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Tips From The Professor: Can Foods Make You Blue?

The standard American diet (S.A.D.) is high in processed foods, fat (especially saturated and trans fats), refined grains, simple sugars, salt and calories. As I’ve said before, almost anything would be better.

You probably already know that the S.A.D. leads to obesity and a whole host of diseases – including heart disease, cancer and diabetes – just to name a few.

But did you know that the S.A.D. could make you sad?

That statement is based on a study by Akbaralay et al (British Journal of Psychiatry, 195: 408-413, 2009) in which they looked at the dietary patterns and mental health outcomes of 3486 participants in the Whitehall II Prospective Study.

In case you didn’t know it, Whitehall is the central district in London where most of the British government offices are located.

So the 3486 participants in this study were bureaucrats. They were middle aged (average age 55.6 years old) office staff (74% men, 26% women) who spent most of their day sitting and really didn’t like their jobs very much.

(I made up the part about not liking their jobs, but you get the picture.)

At the beginning of the study the participants were given a 127 item food frequency quiz to fill out.

Interestingly enough, the food preferences of the participants in this study clustered neatly into two groups.

The diets of the processed foods groups predominantly consisted of sweetened desserts, chocolates, fried foods, processed meats, refined grains and high fat dairy products.

In contrast, the diets of the whole foods group consisted mostly of vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains.

Five years later the study participants were analyzed for depression using a

20 item standardized depression scale.

The results were pretty eye-catching. The processed food group was 58% more likely to suffer from depression than the whole food group! And this was after correction for age, gender, weight, marital status, education, employment grade, physical activity, smoking and diseases (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke).

The reasons for this astounding correlation between diet and depression are not clear.

The authors speculated that the diets of the whole food group were likely higher in antioxidants, folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids than the diets of the processed food group – and studies have suggested that each of these nutrients may protect against depression.

The authors also suggested that it might be an indirect effect. Diets that are high in saturated fats and refined grains and low in omega-3 fatty acids increase inflammation, and studies have suggested that inflammation can lead to depression.

The thing for you to remember is that, while we don’t know the exact mechanism, it is pretty clear that a processed food diet can lead to the blues down the road.

And, as the authors pointed out, the processed food diet in this study is pretty close to what most Americans are eating. So it is safe to say that the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) can make you sad!

So keep your spirits up with a healthy diet.

To Your Health!

Dr. Stephen G Chaney

P.S. Now Available For Order: The “180 Lifestyle Program” – comprehensive lifestyle change program that you can use to support all of the 180 Turnaround customers that you will be working with as your 180 parties start getting results. Visit to grab this valuable new tools to support your 180 business. While you are there, you can also check out the many benefits that you will receive when you sign up for my VIP program.


Dr. Steve Chaney, Alzheimers, Dementia and B Vitamins

Dr. Steve Chaney

B Vitamins, Dementia & Alzheimers

Dr. Chaney is an active cancer researcher and Professor of Bio-Chemistry and Nutrition at UNC Medical Schoool.

“As we age there is perhaps nothing more frightening than the thought of losing our mind.

We can cope with lots of physical infirmities, but it is our memories and our cognition that make us who we are.

So what can we do to keep our mind in tip top shape as we age?

I’m going to start by talking about the importance of one B vitamin, folic acid, in maintaining our mental acuity as we age.

But, good health is seldom determined by one nutrient alone, so I’m going to end this discussion by
describing a holistic approach for reducing the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

Two recent articles have emphasized the importance of folic acid in preventing cognitive decline.

The first was a cross-sectional study of folate status and cognitive function in 1,033 non-demented older patients, ages 60-90 (de Lau et al, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 86: 728-734, 2007). The researchers measured blood levels of folic acid and did extensive cognitive tests on the subjects.

The results were fairly clear-cut. Those people with the highest levels of folic acid were the least likely to suffer from loss of cognitive function or psychomotor speed (reaction time).

But, cross-sectional studies are not the gold-standard placebo controlled clinical trial, which is why the second study is so important.

In this study, 818 middle aged subjects (ages 55-70) with normal vitamin B12 levels (the importance of this will become apparent in a minute) were given either 800 ug of folic acid or a placebo daily and followed for 3 years (Durga et al, Lancet, 369: 208-216, 2007).

At the end of 3 years, the subjects receiving the folic acid supplement did significantly better than the placebo group on several measures of cognitive function.

So you might be thinking that you should rush right out and buy a folic acid supplement.

Not so fast. You need to hear the rest of the story.

Vitamin B12 is also essential for cognitive function, and, with consumption of red meat declining, many older Americans are becoming deficient in B12.

B12 deficiency has two symptoms:

The first to appear is anemia. It is what usually brings the patient to their doctors office, and at this stage the B12 deficiency is easily reversible.

However, if the B12 deficiency is left untreated, the patient will eventually develop dementia that is not reversible.

The problem is that folate supplementation can mask the early, easily reversible, symptoms of B12 deficiency.

So that brings us to the third clinical study (Morris et al, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 85: 193-200, 2007).

This study was a cross-sectional study looking at vitamin B12 status, folic acid status and cognitive function. When they looked at those subjects in the study with low vitamin B12 status, the ones who also had high blood folate levels actually faired poorer on cognitive tests than those with low blood folate levels.

So now you’re probably thinking that you should rush out and buy a B complex supplement providing both folic acid and vitamin B12.

Wrong again!

Some older Americans develop an inability to produce something called intrinsic factor that is required for the rapid absorption of vitamin B12 in the intestine. Those people cannot get enough vitamin B12 from their food, and for them a standard vitamin B12 supplement is of little use. Knowing this, you might now feel that there is no effective way to make absolutely sure that you are getting enough B vitamins to reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

But, you’d be wrong again.

There is a second, intrinsic factor-independent pathway for absorbing vitamin B12 that is present throughout the entire length of the digestive tract.

So what you want to look for is a sustained release B complex that releases its B12 a little bit at a time throughout the digestive tract.

And since not all companies make their supplements according to pharmaceutical standards, you would want to make sure that this sustained release B complex had been shown in a clinical trial to deliver at least as much B12 to the blood stream as an immediate release B complex in individuals with normal levels of intrinsic factor.

Finally, now that you know what to look for in a B complex supplement, let me remind you that mental acuity is not just dependent on two B vitamins.

Recent studies have shown that diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, maintaining ideal body weight and exercising regularly all help us to keep our brains functioning as they should as we age.

A holistic approach to health is always best.

To Your Health!

Dr. Stephen G Chantey

P.S. The Sustained Release B + C in Shaklee’s Vitalizer continuously releases small amounts of the B vitamins and Vitamin C during the 12 hours that it takes to pass through the small intestine.

Clinical studies have shown that his results in up to a 200% increase in blood levels of some B Vitamins and that blood levels of Vitamin B12 are equal to or greater than the same amount of B12 in the immediate release B-Complex Supplement.
