Tag Archives: stress

Top Stress Reducers Are Dogs

Stress-related illnesses are at an all time high in America, and there is no sign it will lessen. For the most part, doctors have identified the basic cause of this to be our “seriousness”. By that they mean taking ourselves too seriously, thus causing so much pressure that any meaningful stress management is impossible. When things are beyond our power to solve, we must drop the ball; not easy for non-quitters.

Top Stress Reducers Are Dogs

Unhealthy levels of stress show as mood changes, migraines, hair loss, worry, agitation, sleeplessness, weight gain and the more serious level; depression. Stress contributes to half of all illnesses in the U.S. and 70% of all visits to the doctor’s office. But before you see your doctor to ask if Valium is right for you – let’s consider some natural options.Top Stress Reducers Are Dogs

Laughter is an antidote to stress. When we laugh, blood flow to the brain is increased and endorphins (that hormone that gives us a sense of well-being) are released and levels of stress drop dramatically. We can begin this healing by laughing at our own selves, our perfect imperfection that makes up all of us.

Force yourself to be more sociable because under stress our instincts tell us to withdraw and isolate ourselves. Nothing could be worse according to stress experts. Isolation allows us to concentrate on our problems, which perpetuates negative thinking – instead of resolving it, we intensify it. When you feel stressed to the max, call a friend or put yourself among children; they have a way of making anyone forget their worries. Volunteer work is a good stress-buster.

Indecisiveness can intensify stress, so we must learn to be more assertive. Some may associate assertiveness with hostility or aggression, but we simply mean expressing your feelings, letting others know your opinions and acting on your own behalf. Some things we can practice are: speaking up when you feel it’s warranted… initiate conversations… make an effort to seek out and form new friendships. Don’t be afraid to disagree. Give out and accept – compliments. Ask for information.

When trying to break the sleeplessness cycle, avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco – all of which have negative effects on sleep. Do something calming before bed; a warm bath, soft music, scented candles. Talk positively to yourself and pat yourself on the back now and then for a job well-done. Then give yourself a reward because when you do that you will realize a boost in your immune system that can last for several days. This can be a pair of shoes or as simple as a dish of ice cream (or both)!

Slowing down nearly everything in your life is another stress reliever. Holistic studies have taught me to stop running for the phone when it rings – why did I always do that? I now concentrate on driving slower, pausing after I park the car in the garage just to relax as I ease into another transition. I don’t hurry my meals, but chew more slowly and with all of this you can feel the stress ebb away.

Also, write down those nagging problems. Make two columns on the paper: one “Worries I can do something about” and the other “Worries I can’t do anything about”. Reading these from your notes offers another dimension and you can begin to accept the ones you can’t change, and go about finding solutions for those you can.

One doctor’s research of 480 people under stressful conditions found that, “… the top stress reducers are dogs”. People who were facing unbearable situations had the lowest heart rates and blood pressure if they were with their dogs – even lower than those who were with the spouses. Possible reason: Dogs are perceived as completely nonjudgmental.

2006 Esther Smith

PS: Stress can also be related to poor diet. Click here to learn more about how to add smart supplements to your diet.

Working Out Effectively and Efficiently Without Equipment

People nowadays are more conscious about their health. Many people regularly go to the gym to keep fit and burn some excess flab. These people chose to workout rather than purchase a weight-loss pill. Weight training and other cardiovascular exercises are done in the gym because people do not have the necessary equipment. Equipment like the thread mill, stationary bikes, and weight-lifting bench consume much space and may not fit in most people’s houses. It is true that using weights and exercise equipment is the fastest way to gain muscle mass and strength. While there it is not harmful to lift weights, there are people who work for long hours and may not have the time to regularly go to the gym. They may not have the money to set up or buy gym equipment at home. There are also people who travel a lot and may encounter difficulties in finding a good gym. Plus, there are times when people can’t even go to the gym on a regular basis because of work and family demands.

Working out effectively

working out effectivelyAthletes who train in martial arts, baseball, and other sports try hard not to get bulky. Additional muscle mass may affect the mobility and movements of these athletes. However they still need the type of strength, endurance, and muscle definition that can be developed through weight training exercises.

These athletes and other busy people may still tone and strengthen their muscles without the use of weights or other equipments. Anaerobic exercises like push-ups, pull-overs, and pull-backs are typically performed to develop power and tone the muscles. Some health studies claim that these anaerobic exercises should be done in repetitions of 100 for maximum development. Some studies claim that muscles that are trained under these conditions performed better in high intensity activities than those who lifted weights.

Plyometric training is another way of developing speed and power without the use of weights and other equipment. This kind of training seeks to improve the reaction of individuals through vigorous muscle contraction because fast extraordinary contractions.

Examples of lower body plyometric exercises are: standing jumps, tuck jumps, split jumps and long jumps. Upper body plyometric exercises may include press and hand claps. Another method for developing one’s upper body may be done with the use of a medicine ball. A partner drops a medicine ball towards the chest of another person who catches the ball and throws it back This method is considered a high intensity exercise and should only be done after basic conditioning.

Dynamic tension is a self-resistance exercise training which includes pitting one’s muscles against each other. According to research, works by tensing the muscles of particular body parts and later moves the body part against the tension as if a heavy was being lifted. These kinds of exercises builds strength, endurance, muscle definition and size. Dynamic tension gives these benefits without causing injuries. Because it is nearly impossible for one to get injured because the muscles provide the force. As these muscles tire, the force that provide the tension also decrease. Dynamic tension is a safe and productive form of exercise. Muscle relaxants and other pain-relieving drugs may not be necessary if one properly performs tension exercises.

Studies show that exercising and other physical activities may indeed bring beneficial effects. These benefits may include proper blood flow and improved functions of internal organs. Some medical researches say that endorphins are released every time one engages in physical activities–these endorphins give one a sense of euphoria. Engaging in physical activities properly may become an effective solution for anxiety relief and other forms of stress. Understanding the benefits of exercise and adverse effects of exercise may make a difference in people’s lives.

Is there sport nutrition that can help you work out efficiently? Check these out: http://bit.ly/15DrH8y

Understanding the Cause of Obesity

Understanding the cause of obesity might enable overweight individuals to treat their health problems. According to clinical studies, major causes of obesity among Americans are too many calories in food regimens coupled with inactivity and overeating. Acknowledging these two factors may help overweight or obese people lose weight and improve their health.

Cause of obesity

Obesity is a condition that has become a major health concern affecting many individuals in the United States. This condition refers to the build-up of excess body fat that may impair health conditions. Several medical studies show that obese individuals are prone to health risks like cause of obesitycardiovascular diseases, hypertension, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, sleep apnea, and many more. These health hazards have prompted individuals to include a weight-loss program in their lifestyles. However, people who want to lose weight tend to exercise too much and eat unhealthy food. These conditions may bring do more harm than good. And can be a cause of obesity.

Understanding the cause of obesity might enable overweight individuals to treat their health problems. According to clinical studies, a major cause of obesity among Americans are too many calories in food regimens coupled with inactivity and overeating. Acknowledging these two factors may help overweight or obese people lose weight and improve their health.

Many specialists health specialists argue that weight-related problems and obesity can be caused by high calories in diets coupled with inactivity. A study conducted by the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report in February, 2004 showed that Americans consumed more calories than they did 30 years ago. The study found out that from 1971 to 2004, American women increased their calorie consumption from 1542 calories per day to 1877. The men on the other hand, at the same time frame, increased their calorie intake from 2,450 to 2,618.

With the rise of calorie intake also came the decline of physical activities. However, less than 1/3 of adults engage in the appropriate amounts of exercise. Another leading cause of obesity. In addition, 40% of adults in the United States do not participate in any physical activity while 43% of adolescents spend more than 2 hours in front of the television. It is recommended that individuals should accumulate at least 30 minutes among adults and 60 minutes among children of moderate physical activity three times a week.

More are recommended to prevent weight gain or to lose weight.

Statistics also suggest that overeating is another reason why people tend be overweight or obese. Overeating is an eating abnormality where the consumption of food intake is inappropriately large for energy use. Triggers of overeating may include depression, stress, boredom, anxiety, and prolonged dieting. People with eating disorder feel that negative feelings may temporarily disappear through food consumption, often these food escapades are done in secret. This disorder can be treated with the help of health professionals coupled with the support of family and friends.

Obesity can be avoided and treated through proper exercise and healthy diets. People who want to lose weight tend to over-train and deprive themselves of healthy food. These habits may impede weight loss and cause additional health concerns.

Proper exercise coupled with the right diet is essential in weight-loss and weight-control. In addition, exercise may eliminates depression because physical activities promotes the release of endorphins. Endorphins are substances that is released by the brain and is the body’s natural pain-reliever. These substance may elevate the mood and promote a state of bliss. Many health specialists refer to this phenomenon as the runner’s high.

For overweight or obese individuals, it is never too late to partake in regular exercise and healthy diets. And to begin to reverse the cause of obesity. Exercise is good for different people of all ages, sex, and weight. It is necessary to maintain improved overall health and enhanced well-being. Individuals who decide to include a regular program of physical activity should consult doctors and other health professionals for advice. This is important because a lot of individuals tend to workout too much or workout improperly, which may do more harm than good. Understanding proper workout and including a healthy diet in one’s lifestyle may lead to improved health and overall well-being.

When I started to learn more about the cause of obesity, I took action. Here is my story: http://bit.ly/1rLhW2c