Shaklee is the largest natural nutritional supplement company in the United States. Rather than selling products through a typical retail channel, Shaklee uses a direct selling program where individuals can build a business promoting the products. In fact some of the top performers started out as satisfied customers and wanted to be able to earn a living while introducing others to products they felt were healthy for themselves, their families, and the whole planet.
Anyone can purchase Shaklee products on the web site of an authorized Independent Distributor. Click here to shop our site.
Shaklee Membership Program
There are three basic levels of membership: GOLD Ambassador, Distributor, and Basic Membership. What are the cost and benefits of each?
GOLD Ambassador
WHO SHOULD PURCHASE: This is the primary membership level for anyone interested in seriously building a Shaklee business.
COST: $299 for the GOLD Ambassador
PROGRAM DETAILS: Right out of the gate, you meet your first requirement to be paid in all five ways Shaklee pays its distributors. You can also immediately participate in our supercharged career path to success in Shaklee, called FastTRACK, and earn. Earn trips, extra cash (up to $34,000) and up to $100,000 total compensation when you achieve the rank of Executive Coordinator within your first 15 months!
The GOLD Ambassador Options include:
- 15% Discount off SRP on products
- New Distributor Welcome Kit
- Free product with next order of 100 PV/IPV
- Global Ambassador Status
- 3 Months of PWS ($60 Value)
- 100 – 250 IPV
In addition each Mission Pak will contain one of the following product assortments you select:
This Mission PAK contains:†† Product selection subject to availability. Product may be substituted with product of similar value at any time.
And to offset the carbon emissions of shipping the PAK, Shaklee will plant five trees |
This Mission PAK contains:
And to offset the carbon emissions of shipping the PAK, Shaklee will plant five trees |
This Mission PAK contains:
And to offset the carbon emissions of shipping the PAK, Shaklee will plant five trees |
This Mission PAK contains:†† Product selection subject to availability. Product may be substituted with product of similar value at any time.
And to offset the carbon emissions of shipping the PAK, Shaklee will plant five trees! |
This Mission PAK contains:
And to offset the carbon emissions of shipping the PAK, Shaklee will plant five trees! |
This Mission PAK contains:† † Product selection subject to availability. Product may be substituted with product of similar value at any time.
This Mission PAK contains:
And to offset the carbon emissions of shipping the PAK, Shaklee will plant five trees! |
This Mission PAK contains:
And to offset the carbon emissions of shipping the PAK, Shaklee will plant five trees! |
Our business is all about achieving your dreams by helping others reach theirs. And with Shaklee, you’re joining a team that has proven its ability to do this, for millions of people, all around the world. That’s what we do, and you can too.
Ready to get started? Click here to sign up today.
Contact us for more information and we will answer all of your questions.