Orlando, Fargo, Australia, & Canada

Source: http://www.theminimalists.com/fargorlando/

By Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus · Follow: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Exciting news! For summer 2016, The Minimalists have two new tour stops on the horizon. At both events Joshua & Ryan will give a brief talk and then show their new film, Minimalism, in its entirety. After the film they will record a live version of “Ask The Minimalists” for their podcast. Tickets are limited:

Fargo — July 19

Orlando — August 10

Note: the Orlando tour stop is a special charity event—100% of the profits will help the injured victims of the recent Orlando nightclub shooting.

Australia & Canada update: Our distributor added a limited number of new theatrical screenings in Australia and Canada (including several new cities). Tickets are selling out quickly (especially in Australia). And there are still dozens of upcoming screenings in the United States. Find your nearest theater here.

Online release: Don’t worry if the film isn’t playing in your city or country, because you can pre-order the documentary online and receive six hours of bonus content.

Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.

Looking for A Good Night’s Sleep?

Source: http://refineryfitnesspdx.com/looking-for-a-good-nights-sleep/

Many in today’s population are suffering from a lack of sleep.  The majority of people report difficulty falling or staying asleep on a regular basis.  Sleep is an important part of a healthy life.  Our body uses our sleeping hours to repair damage, rebalance hormone levels and engage in physical healing and maintenance.  Sleep deprivation has been implicated in heart disease, increased stress levels, diabetes, increased accidents, depression, lowered sex drive and diabetes.  A good 8-10 hours of sleep is important for vital health.

External Steps to Improve Sleep:

Make sure your room is dark.  Invest in blackout shades or an eye mask to increase the darkness in your sleeping space.  Move cell phones and other light emitting items out of the bedroom.
Stick to a schedule.  Try to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time every day.  Our bodies respond best to a regular routine.  Following a similar routine every day signals to our bodies that bed time is approaching.
Use the bed for sleep and/or intimacy only.  Don’t bring computers or work into the bedroom.  Maintain the sanctity of the bedroom as a place of rest.
Invest in ear plugs if noise is a problem.  White noise machines can also be helpful to block out unwanted sound.
Engage in relaxation, meditation or breathing exercises:  The Legs up the Wall yoga pose done for 5 minutes right before bed can improve sleep.  To calm a racing mind, engage in 4:6:8 breathing.  Breath in f…

The Official Strategy Guide to the Game of L.I.F.E.

Source: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2016/06/27/the-official-strategy-guide-to-the-game-of-l-i-f-e/

Welcome to the greatest game ever created.

Like other successful games like World of Warcraft, Destiny, or Everquest, this game is always online. But it’s always offline, too.

At any point in time, there are over 7+ BILLION people playing.

Often applauded for its realism, known for its punishing but rewarding skill system, and regularly accused of being unfair, it’s the best selling game of all time.

In this game, L.I.F.E. (kind of an unoriginal title), you’re forced into a random starting character and have to complete a period of mandatory leveling up. After that though, you are free to choose your profession, develop your skill trees, and pick the quests YOU want to do.

I’m no expert at this game – In fact, there’s quite a bit about it I don’t know yet – but I wanted to put together a guide on the basics to make sure you’re enjoying it too. Fully understanding a few of the game’s mechanisms could make playing a WHOLE lot more fun.

Selecting your Character

Strategy_Guide_select character

In an interesting twist on the modern video game, instead of getting to fully customize the look, height, race, and shape of your character at the start, this is all randomly determined a…

Cardio vs HIIT vs Weights: Rebooting Our Research

Source: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2016/06/30/cardio-vs-hiit-vs-weights-rebooting-our-research/

This is an article from NF Rebel Researcher, Sara.

In this age of superhero and fantasy franchises, it’s fair to say that not every reboot has improved upon the original. I’m looking at you, Man of Steel and Amazing Spider-Man!

While Peter Jackson’s LOTR trilogy is a bona fide hat trick, more recent attempts to translate great stories into cinema have run the gamut from pretty fantastic, like Game of Thrones, to… not so good. (That would be you, Warcraft.)

Seven lucky years into Nerd Fitness, we’re getting into reboots ourselves, digging into the nitty gritty on some subjects we haven’t touched on in years!

Last month we wrote about the importance of keeping an open mind and being persuadable in light of new evidence or more experience.

Today, we’re tackling a major fitness doctrine: the benefits of HIIT (high intensity interval training like sprints) and weight training over steady-state or continuous cardio (like running or hopping on a bike).

To quote Samuel L. Jackson, “hold on to your butts!”

Back to the Future


In 2010, we compared the caloric burns from cardio, interval training (including but not limited to HIIT), and weight training, walking you through the pros and cons of each.


On Being a Dad

Source: http://zenhabits.net/dads/

By Leo Babauta

Being a dad is messy … not just the many spills and broken dishes and dirty kitchens and finger-painted walls you have to clean up, but messy because nothing ever goes as planned.

It’s messy because you start out with the best of intentions, hoping to be super dad and loving and perfect, and then it all goes to hell.

Things get said, tempers flare, feelings get hurt, you get mad at each other. Kids never turn out as planned, and neither does your life. You hope for one thing, and get a wonderful mess in return. How I love the mess I’ve gotten.

I never planned to be the dad of six kids. I had two with my first wife, and I love them desperately. I married my second wife, and inherited two more, and I love them with all my heart. Then we made two more, and I love them all so much I am overwhelmed when I let myself feel it.

Being a father is about uncertainty. You create a kid, and you are flooded with uncertainty, because you don’t know how to do any of this. You don’t know how your kids will turn out, and you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. All of a sudden, you’re up to bat, and the pressure is on you, not just to provide, not just to keep a fragile human being alive, but to be their role model, to shape them, to make them happy. And none of it comes with a manual.

They have problems, like a kid teased them at school, or bullied them, they’re struggling with motivat…

Your Monthly Horoscope for July 2016

Source: http://www.sonima.com/meditation/mindful-living/monthly-horoscope-july-2016/

As the new month begins, cosmic energy seems to work in your favor. Past challenges may still make you skeptical, but if you have confidence in yourself and look at things positively, you can be an instant hit in whatever you do.

Mars, the planet of courage and initiative, which was retrograde since April 17, 2016, has become direct on June 29, 2016, which will bring fresh impetus and energy in July. This is the time to begin from where you stopped. Follow your passion and go after things that you always wanted to do. Let the renewed Mars energy in July 2016 guide you towards success.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

This month with Mars transiting the 7th house, romantic feelings will occupy your mind. You may be surprised when somebody expresses the desire for a deeper relationship. Chances of surrendering your heart and soul to someone special are indicated by the stars. You need to grab the opportunity as you meet your dream person. With Mercury, Sun and Venus in your 3rd house, you will also be more interested in developing your talents and finding out new methods to improve your work efficiency. Your communication skills and creativity will be at all time high. You will join hands with someone important in creating the right atmosphere for personal growth. Focusing on positive side of life can really help. Meditation and yoga will help you relax and bring in positive energy. It will help you release your mental stress and…

You Need to Change the Way You Think About Success in Fitness

Source: http://www.theptdc.com/2016/06/change-how-you-think-about-success-in-fitness/

Once in a while, I’d get a message from a younger coach, asking me how to become successful, and then I’d start grinning like a little kid on his birthday.

It’s humbling as heck to be perceived as “successful” by your peers. The first time I got that question I asked myself, “Hold on, when did I become successful?” Truly puzzled, I went back through my diary, but didn’t see a day or a time when I had noted my arrival at “success.”

In reality, I don’t think there is just one indicator.

I wish it were just one thing that could make me successful. Likewise, I wish I could get just one certification to make me successful. But it’s actually been a culmination of putting in the hours for days, months, and years; believing that my hard work will eventually pay off because others aren’t willing to do the same; and being honest and real with people.

Whatever the case, I suppose I’m some place where others want to be, but I walked a long, meandering, and oftentimes, unsexy road to get here. At the risk of sounding like the rapper Drake, I started from the bottom…

The start of my training career was really nothing special.

My life as a trainer started in 2009, when I was a 12th grader and started working for a big gym as a “memb…

We Need to Stop Hating on Butter

Source: http://greatist.com/live/new-study-shows-butter-isnt-that-bad-for-you?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-

Butter is not the monster we once thought it was. A new, impressively large study calls butter a middle-of-the-road food—better for you than soda but worse than blueberries. That’s a big upgrade from the way we talked about the spreadable dairy product at the height of the low-fat diet craze.

And while it’s neutral when it comes to nutrition, butter is phenomenal at adding flavor (browning it makes dishes unbelievably tasty). Though like anything else, the study’s authors say it’s best enjoyed in moderation.