Category Archives: Weight Management

5 Healthy Benefits of Following a Mediterranean Diet Plan

Mediterranean diet plan

The Mediterranean diet plan has been around for centuries, but if you don’t live in countries where this diet is prevalent such as Greece or Italy, you may not realize the many benefits of eating healthy foods “Mediterranean” style. According to studies, the Mediterranean diet encourages healthy weight loss and helps to reduce risks of many life-threatening diseases. Below are five of the top benefits of following this diet.

Mediterranean Diet Plan

1. Fast Weight Loss

One of the key benefits of the Mediterranean diet plan is fast weight loss. This is not from the results of a diet pill or a crash starvation diet, but from healthy, portion-controlled eating. Weight loss rates will vary, but some have reported losing an average of 10 pounds per month. Delicious diet recipes are often provided when following the Mediterranean diet that help to speed up the weight loss process without depriving you of much needed vitamins and nutrients. Losing weight alone can offer many health benefits.

2. Good Heart Health

The delicious diet recipes provided while following a Mediterranean diet plan are all designed to promote good heart health. The Mediterranean diet consists of healthy doses of olive oil, fruits and vegetables, and oily fish. With some participants, a moderate amount of wine is consumed with meals. All these help to lower cholesterol and keep the blood flow to the heart at a normal level, thus, reducing the risk of heart disease tremendously.

3. Lower Cancer Risks

Having too many toxins in the body can cause some types of cancer, such as breast cancer. Eating the types of healthy foods promoted in the Mediterranean diet such as fruits and vegetables will lower the amount of toxins in the body because these foods are natural antioxidants.

4. Prevent Gallstones

Those who have fallen victim to gall stones realize how painful they can be. With around 639,000 people being hospitalized per year with gallstones, many studies are being conducted to help find a cause and cure. The Mediterranean diet plan is rich in nuts, vegetable oil, and fish. Though gallstones are not always diet-related, consuming these foods can help to reduce the risk of gall stones or eliminate them altogether for some according to recent studies.

5. Lower Blood Pressure

The healthy foods in a Mediterranean diet plan can also work to lower and regulate blood pressure. Blood cholesterol levels can return to normal when eating less fatty foods and salt, and more healthy vitamins and minerals. Cooking procedures on a Mediterranean diet usually involve roasting or grilling rather than frying, so more nutrients are retained in the food during preparation, and there is much less fat consumption.

These are only a few of the benefits. The Mediterranean diet also offers many other benefits such as reducing the risks of blood clotting, diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and other life-threatening diseases. Don’t deprive yourself. Start eating delicious diet recipes on the Mediterranean diet for healthy weight loss today.

For creating a more balanced diet to improve your life, check out this plan:

Shaklee 180

How Much Weight Would You Like to Lose Before Summer?

Shaklee 180

Shaklee 180 Are You Ready?

Summer is coming up.  Sooner than we think.  And I am like a lot of people – I would feel a better if I was a few pounds lighter when it shows up.

I like summer because it is bright and sunny.  And while no one is going to be seeing me at the beach in Speedos, I want to be wearing cargo pants and a t-shirt and not have to think that it would be nice to be thinner.  So now is the time to make the commitment – start now and over the next few weeks I can lose that extra weight.

My goal is to lose 20 pounds before the 4th of July.

I know I can do it.   It just takes the effort and the right program.

What about you?  How much weight would you like to lose before summer?  Be honest and realistic and public  Post your goal in the comments below to let everyone know.  Of course we won’t report on your progress but you can come back and update us as you work towards that summer goal.

Click here to learn more on our Shaklee 180 web site.

Good luck and get started today!

Tips From The Professor: An Apple A Day Keeps The Blues Away

Last week I shared with you a study suggesting that junk food makes you sad.

So you might be asking: “Does that mean that healthy foods can make you glad?”

According to one recent study (Br J Health Psychol, Jan 24, 2013, doi:

10.1111/bjhp.12021) the answer may be yes.

A team from the University of Otago in New Zealand enrolled 281 young adults (average age = 20) in a study that looked at the effect of diet on their mood. Each day for 21 consecutive days they recorded their mood and what foods they ate using an online questionnaire.

In particular, they reported the number of servings of fresh fruit and vegetables and of several unhealthy foods such as biscuits or cookies, potato chips or French fries and cakes or muffins.

The investigators correlated the foods eaten with the moods reported by the participants on the same day, and again on the day after those foods were eaten. The results were pretty impressive.

On the days when people ate more fruits and vegetables they reported feeling calmer, happier and more energetic than they did on other days (p = .002 – anything less than .05 is considered a statistically significant difference). And the good effects of fruit and vegetable consumption carried over to the next day as well (p < .001).

While I paraphrased the “apple a day” quote to introduce this topic, one apple won’t quite do it.

According to this study it takes about 7-8 servings of fruits and vegetables to positively affect mood.

Of course, any good scientist will tell you that correlations do not prove cause and effect. It could be that when people are “down in the dumps” they just naturally reach for junk foods rather than fruits and vegetables.

However, since there is no downside to consuming fruits and vegetables, I feel fully comfortable recommending more fruits and vegetables in our diets.

If their health benefits aren’t enough to motivate you, maybe the possibility of improving your mood will!

There are some things we just can’t control. We can’t do anything about the cold, dark days of winter. And to paraphrase those country songs, we can’t keep our girl and dog from running off. Life happens to all of us.

But, if we want to keep our mood where it should be, we can always reach for those fresh fruits and vegetables.

To Your Health!

Dr. Stephen G Chaney

P.S. Now Available For Immediate Shipping: The “180 Lifestyle Program” – a comprehensive lifestyle change program that you can use to support all of the 180 Turnaround customers that you will be working with as your 180 parties start getting results. Visit to grab this valuable new tools to support your 180 business. While you are there, you can also check out the many benefits that you will receive when you sign up for my VIP program.

Dr. Stephen G Chaney

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


10 Reasons Why Shaklee Cinch® Is an Exceptional Value

Shaklee Cinch ProductsCinch is Shaklee’s Weight Management Program. Of course there are many weight-loss programs out there. Some are terrific. Some are not so good. Is this the best one? I think so because it has worked for me. Shaklee products and vitamin supplements are always always safe, always effective, and always green.

Clinically tested† and specially formulated to help you break the diet cycle so you:

  • Keep muscle you have.
  • Burn fat you don’t need.
  • Lose inches you don’t want.
  1. The Real Deal

    With the Cinch Inch Loss Plan, which includes a regimen of protein-packed shakes and energy-boosting
    teas, you will lose inches and pounds. Period. Our medical doctors, nutritionists, and scientists
    have drawn on years of sports and nutrition science to develop a plan that works. In fact, those
    who participated in our clinical study lost an average of 16.3 pounds of fat, 4.1 inches from
    their waists, and 2.6 inches from their hips over a 12-week period.†

  2. Easy on Your Wallet

    Why pay for calorie-rich fast food that can add more inches to your waist when you could
    have a tasty, wholesome, protein-rich Cinch meal replacement for a fraction of the cost?






    Cinch Shake (1 serving)in 1 cup of nonfat milk
    Starbucks® Mocha Grandeand blueberry muffin
    McDonald’s® Big Mac®,medium fries, diet soda
    Subway® turkey “diet” sub,Baked Lays® chips, diet soda

    ** Comparisons conducted November 8, 2010, and are valid only for the named products
    marketed at that time.

    ‡ Based on Shaklee Member price for Cinch Shake Mix.

    All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  3. One Word: Leucine

    Our tasty Cinch Shakes, Meal-in-a-Bars, and Snack Bars are Powered by Leucine™, a
    muscle-retaining amino acid that helps you keep muscle while you lose fat and inches.
    Why are muscles important? Muscle = Metabolism. This translates into more calories
    burned and fewer inches on your waist. Good? Yes! It’s the key to long-term success.
    In fact, those who were tested in a clinical study lost fat, pounds, and inches while
    retaining 100% of their lean muscle mass.†

    † Findings based on lean mass estimates in a 12-week preliminary study. Cinch Vanilla
    Shake Mix Whey Protein Blend and Cinch Meal-in-a-Bars were not included in this study.

  4. Pleases Taste Buds, Satisfies Hunger

    Not only do Cinch products taste great, they’re packed with protein so you feel full and
    not deprived. More than 90% of participants in a study reported that their energy levels
    were either “very good” or “great” while on the Cinch Inch Loss Plan.† The program
    provides loads of nutrition and includes our Cinch 3-in-1 Boost™, which helps reduce
    cravings by retaining normal blood-sugar levels, and two flavors of Cinch Energy Tea Mix
    to help keep you feeling great all day long.*

  5. Packed with Goodies—And Then Some

    Every Cinch Shake and Meal-in-a-Bar is high in protein and provides a healthy serving of
    vitamins, minerals, and fiber. When mixed as directed, our shakes—available in four
    great flavors: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and café latte—deliver 24 grams of protein
    per serving while each Meal-in-a-Bar contains 20 grams. Choose from Blueberry
    Almond Crisp or Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip. Many people continue to use the shakes,
    bars, and the tea mix after they lose weight simply because they enjoy the great taste.

  6. Grab and Go

    On the go? Crazy schedule? Back-to-back meetings? No more excuses. Just throw a
    Cinch tea stick, Meal-in-a-Bar, or one of our convenient single-serve shake packets in
    your briefcase, purse, or gym bag and enjoy when you want.

  7. Thank Yourself Now—And in the Long Run

    Being overweight not only makes you feel bad, but can compromise wellness. Cinch to
    the rescue with leucine-enhanced protein-powering results. Join the thousands who have
    lost weight using the Cinch Inch Loss Plan, including Matt (pictured at right). Log on to to see our monthly success stories. Is your Cinch success story just
    waiting to be told?

  8. We’ve Got Your Back, 24/7

    Cinch provides all the tools you need to reach a healthy weight. When you log on to, you’ll find an online community message board where you can
    meet, greet, and share your Cinch experience with others already using the plan. You
    can track exercise and meals; browse meal plans and recipes to help you make the right
    food choices; access Cinch University, a 12-week educational series to help you better
    understand all the factors that influence your weight; and read articles on topics of
    nutrition, fitness, and more to help you reach your goals. Plus, each Cinch Starter Kit
    comes with a Cinch Program Guide, designed to help you get started on the Plan, and
    many other features designed to enhance your success.

  9. Say Hello to a New You

    Get used to all the attention. People will notice a difference—you will, too. Once you
    lose the weight on the Cinch Plan, you’ll not only be healthier, you’ll look and feel great.

  10. Don’t Like It? Don’t Pay for It

    With our 100% money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose except the inches.
    And everything to gain in a whole new life.

Want to know more?

2011 is a new year – a good time to start your new weight loss management program. To get started you can:

  1. To get started you can click here to purchase Shaklee Cinch Products
  2. For any questions, please click here to Contact us

Another good tip: take a “before” picture so you can show everyone your progress and your own Success Story!

Why Should You Care About Diabetes?

November is American Diabetes Month® and we’re asking the question – why should you care about diabetes?

Because it is the leading cause of kidney disease, blindness, and amputations, yet nearly 25% of people who have it don’t even know it. In the United States 24 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes and the American Diabetes Association estimates that there are another 6 million who have the disease but don’t know it. So chances are, you or someone you love have been affected by diabetes in some way. But even if you haven’t been affected by diabetes, you need to know that diabetes is one of the major public health crises of the 21st century, and it continues to grow to epidemic proportions. And a very worrisome concern is that the death rate for diabetes has continued to grow since 1987, whereas the death rates due to heart disease, stroke and cancer have actually declined.

What’s Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are elevated because of inadequate insulin production in the pancreas or from insulin resistance in the cells of the body, felt to be caused by obesity and an unhealthy diet. Elevated blood sugar levels are quite damaging to your cells and this can lead to short-term and long-term complications.
There are three types of diabetes – type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, formerly called juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes is usually first diagnosed in children, teenagers, or young adults. In this form of diabetes, felt to be caused by an autoimmune response that essentially destroys the beta cells of the pancreas so that they no longer produce insulin, daily insulin administration is a lifelong reality. Treatment also includes a healthy diet, close monitoring of carbohydrate intake, calorie control and regular exercise to minimize complications.
Type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes. Approximately 90% of all people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. People can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. This form of diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which cells in fat, muscle and liver tissue do not use insulin properly. At first, the pancreas keeps up with the added demand by producing more insulin. Over time, however, the pancreas can no longer secrete enough insulin and blood sugars begin to rise. People who are overweight and inactive are FAR more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Treatment includes a healthy diet, weight loss, exercise and ultimately the need for diabetes medications if people are not successful with weight loss and calorie control.
Gestational diabetes is an all too common complication of pregnancy, usually developing in women who have an excessive weight gain during pregnancy. Although this type of diabetes usually goes away after childbirth, these women are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

Serious and Life Threatening Complications

Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it is absolutely essential that you eat healthfully and control your calorie intake to keep your weight in a healthy range. Over the course of years, people who continually have elevated blood glucose levels because they don’t control their calorie intake will develop damage to blood vessels and nerves, increasing the risk for a number of serious, even life-threatening complications such as:
  • Heart disease and stroke – Adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates about 2 to 4 times higher than adults without diabetes.
  • Blindness – Diabetic retinopathy causes 12,000 to 24,000 new cases of blindness each year making diabetes the leading cause of blindness in adults.
  • Kidney disease – Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure.
  • Amputations – More than 60% of non-traumatic lower-limb amputations occur in people with diabetes.

What about Pre-diabetes?

Maybe you don’t have diabetes, but you or someone you know may have pre-diabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. Pre-diabetes is estimated to affect as many as 57 million Americans, putting them at risk to develop type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Being overweight and physically inactive are contributing factors to both diabetes and pre-diabetes. In fact, about 80-90% of people with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes are overweight to obese.

Prevention is Key

Developing pre-diabetes or diabetes is not inevitable. Studies have shown that people at risk for diabetes who lose weight and increase their physical activity level can prevent or delay diabetes and even return their blood sugar levels to normal. In the Diabetes Prevention Program, a large prevention study of people at high risk for diabetes, lifestyle interventions (diet and exercise) resulting in modest weight loss of 5-10% of initial body weight reduced the development of diabetes by 58% over a 3 year period. The reduction was even greater (71%) for people over the age of 60!

Get Motivated to Achieve a Healthy Weight

Because most people with diabetes and pre-diabetes are overweight to obese, the Number ONE Strategy for improving blood glucose regulation is achieving a healthy weight. While losing weight isn’t easy, the rewards are great! Losing weight involves changing both your eating and exercise habits: two things that can be hard to do! One way to increase your motivation is to find some inspiration. Ask yourself – do the costs associated with staying at your current weight outweigh the benefits of weight loss? Do you have high cholesterol, osteoarthritis or a family history of heart disease, stroke or cancer? These health conditions are directly linked to being overweight and studies have shown modest weight loss can prevent or delay these conditions. Does being overweight prevent you from accomplishing what you want to do in life? Losing weight will ultimately help you feel and look better and increase your energy level so you can do more of the things you enjoy.

Taking Action

Once you’re ready to take action, look for a weight management program designed to promote a safe rate of weight loss while helping to preserve your lean muscle mass. Lean muscle is metabolically active tissue—which means it burns more calories than non-muscle tissue! If you don’t follow a safe, nutritionally sound weight loss program, chances are you’ll lose some of your muscle which will lower your metabolism—which means you burn less calories and it is more difficult to lose weight. To help prevent lean muscle loss, get plenty of high quality protein and leucine in your diet. Leucine is an essential amino acid that helps preserve lean muscle mass and stimulates muscle protein synthesis. During periods of calorie reduction, adequate amounts of leucine as part of an overall diet with a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat help preserve lean muscle mass, so you can lose weight from fat.
Look for a program that also promotes:
  • Meal replacement beverages or bars packed with protein and fiber. Meal replacement shakes and bars are a convenient way to control calories. Boosting your intake of high quality protein and fiber at meal times also helps control hunger and promotes satiety. Adequate amounts of dietary soluble fiber can also help lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Low glycemic index food choices. The glycemic index is a measure used to rate how fast and how high carbohydrate containing foods raise blood sugar levels. Foods with a glycemic index of 55 or lower are considered “low glycemic” and are generally foods rich in complex carbohydrates (i.e. whole grains), have moderate amounts of lean protein, heart healthy fats and plenty of fiber. Eating a diet with a low glycemic index helps keep blood sugar levels steady, preventing those fluctuations in blood sugar that can lead to feelings of low energy and food cravings.
  • Boosts in physical activity. Increasing your level of physical activity not only increases calories burned in a day, it also improves insulin sensitivity – your body’s ability to use insulin to transport glucose from the blood into the cells of the body. Work towards getting 30 to 60 minutes a day of exercise most days of the week. Brisk walking is a great way to start and work in some light weight training which not only burns calories but stimulates muscle protein synthesis.
  • Minerals and botanicals that help regulate blood sugar. Although achieving a healthy weight is the first step in retaining normal blood sugar levels, ensuring adequate intake of essential nutrients and botanicals may also help support blood sugar regulation. For example, the essential trace mineral chromium is needed for normal insulin function. Magnesium is also necessary for normal glucose metabolism by affecting both normal insulin secretion and responsiveness to insulin. Zinc is necessary for normal production, storage and secretion of insulin and vanadium is also involved in normal insulin function. Colosolic acid, an active component of the botanical banaba leaf extract may also help support normal blood sugar regulation.
  • Support tools and education. Successful weight management involves not only permanent lifestyle changes to your eating and exercising habits but ongoing education and understanding about all the factors that influence your weight. Look for a program that provides you support tools (e.g., pedometer, tape measure, diet and exercise journals and/or computer software) to help track your success. Online, interactive websites are also another great tool to connect, share and problem solve with others working towards achieving a healthy weight.

Be well!

Dr. Jamie McManus MD, FAAFP Chairman, Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education


To find out if you or someone you know is at risk for pre-diabetes or diabetes, visit the American Diabetes Association website at: and take the risk test.

Diabetes is more common in African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. If you are a member of one of these ethnic groups, paying special attention to this test is important.

Got milk? Want to lose it?

Losing weight means different things to different people. I think of it as shedding gallons of milk.

How much does a gallon of milk weigh?

One gallon of milk

That seems like plenty. How about two gallons?

Two gallons of milk

That starts to add up fast. Three gallons?

Three gallons of milk

This is more than I can carry in with the groceries. Four?

Four gallons of milk

Now that is quite a load. Almost 35 lbs. just from those four gallons of milk.

What does this mean for losing weight?

For each 8.6 lbs. I can lose, it will be as if I no longer have to carry a gallon of milk around with me all the time. So if I can reach my weight loss goal it will be like I have shed several gallons of milk. So I no longer have to carry it with me every where I go. That has to be easier on my body, on my joints and back.

And the best part will be that the majority of this unwanted weight will come off abdominal fat. And that is what I want to lose most of all.

So where am I now?

I have been using Shaklee Cinch for 9 weeks now and I have honestly lost 30 lbs. So I no longer carry 3 1/2 gallons of milk!

Three and a half gallons of milk = 30 lbs.

But I am not finished there. I want to lose another 20 lbs. and have a BMI (Body Mass Index)  under 25.  And for the first time in years I will no longer be in the “Overweight” or “Obese” categories.  I know that I will feel better and that it will be a good trip to the doctor next time.

From personal experience I can recommend Shaklee Cinch. It has worked for me – when nothing else has – and I feel confident that I can reach my goal.

If you want to know more about Cinch,  and if you want to start losing those gallons of milk, let us know by contacting us here or heading over to our site to get started with Cinch.

Good luck with your program!